bbc, food, inspiring women, nourishment


January 19, 2010

“Whenever you are sincerely pleased you are nourished” – Ralph Waldo Emerson



polaroid by Susannah Conway

We must have said it a dozen times over the weekend. The word ‘nourished’ tripped off of our tongues accompanied by gratitude and love. It amazes me how little we focus on nourishing ourselves – on checking in, creating meals with love, buying the best ingredients we can afford, sitting down together with thanks and awareness for our blessings – and either ignore our needs, or focus on the needs of others.

I came from a family that used to say Grace before dinner. In today’s increasingly secular western world it is a rare thing to still find someone saying a prayer over their meal. As I was sitting at our table on Saturday I felt the urge to say a word of thanks. I was overwhelmed by the effort that had gone into the meal. I wanted to say thank you to Leonie for cooking it, to the farmers for growing it, to the spirit of the plants and the animals that gave their life for it and for my friends who were sharing it with me. When you stop to think about how food gets to you, it is really quite incredible. We are so blessed.

I made a decision that day to try and remember to experience food in a more sacred way and to begin to be more consciously grateful for it. It’s quite hard at times. My piece of toast in the morning doesn’t get the same attention as a plate full of food, but it all takes practice. I firmly believe that gratitude is never wasted. I might not say a traditional prayer over my dinner, but if I can keep conscious as I eat it, I hope I can experience grace.

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  • Honey January 19, 2010 at 8:34 pm

    Thank you for this!

  • Rochelle January 19, 2010 at 9:31 pm

    Food is a good thing to be mindful of – instead of scarfing it down while standing at the kitchen sink (who me?) to take time to appreciate the goodness of it. Thank you.

    (BTW – I am totally in love with the red & white polka dot tea pot!)

  • leonie January 22, 2010 at 10:12 pm

    this is also something i am learning to be more mindful of. difficult when we don’t have a dining table, so food is usually consumed in a hurry at my tiny desk, or on my lap as i’m sitting on a bean bag. i miss having a dining table – a place to gather with my partner and friends, sharing stories and telling tales over a delicious meal and a glass of wine.

    thanks honey for reminding me of this.

  • faerwillow January 27, 2010 at 2:11 pm

    ~if you sneak over to my blog there is an AWARD for you and kind of a little challenge that goes along with it…brightest blessings~