
dry your wings in the sun

February 12, 2010

“You are a phoenix with your feathers still a little wet/ Baby, the ashes just look pretty on your eyes…” – Deb Talan


broad-scarlet-dragonfly-crocothemis-erythraea(photo from

Questions. That is all I seem to have had for the past few months: questions.  Mostly the question has included ‘why’ and it has been directed somewhere around me.  But I have become bored of that, and myself.  In the movie The Man with Two Brains, Steve Martin asks for a sign telling him whether or not he should do something and everything around him shakes and rattles and his dead wife’s portrait screams ‘No!’ at him, but he keeps asking for the sign.  I have felt like that.  I’ve kept asking why, but this morning I realized that I need to start asking ‘what?’

The Universe has been sending me fire.  The examples of the signs are many, so I won’t list them, but from my house catching fire to huge bonfires set in front of my house (the biggest examples) fire has been a distinct theme.  Two nights ago I asked the Universe what I was meant to do next, ‘give me a sign,’ I said.  That same night a ladybug landed on my chest as I lay in bed. (Odd as it is February and far too cold for ladybugs.)  I looked up the symbolism and it said, “Ladybug, ladybug fly away home.  Your house is on fire and your children are alone…” Fire.  This morning I was getting dressed in the dark and the static charge on me set off several sparks as I got dressed.

So sitting at my computer in the very early morning I wondered where to go from here.  Not ‘why’ but ‘what.’  It’s all very well getting signs, but I have been feeling so beige lately I haven’t had the courage or the energy to do anything about it.  I moved my computer a few inches to make writing easier and there in front of me on a green Post-it in my very own handwriting was a quote: “Remember, you are not here to play it safe. You are here to start fires.” – Sera Beak

Fire.  I’ve had none on the inside.  It has all been external.  Inside I have felt empty and a little lost.  But Deb Talan‘s lyrics have been haunting me for a few days: “You are a phoenix with your feathers still a little wet.”  I’ve been poo-pooing it because I have never felt less phoenix-like in my life, but perhaps that is what the external fire has been about.  A phoenix rises from the ashes and flies.  The space around them doesn’t continue to burn when they have taken flight again.  I am in that place where the fire has surrounded me and I have been left feeling quite wobbly and unsure.  But I guess it’s my turn now.  It’s time to get those wings flapping again.  It’s time to get my own fire burning.

“Remember, you are not here to play it safe. You are here to start fires.” – Sera Beak

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  • Jo February 12, 2010 at 9:47 am

    You’re a firestarter, gorgeous firestarter!
    I love you!

  • Kerstin February 12, 2010 at 7:01 pm

    I think all these signs you are getting are amazing. Seriously, even though they’ve been hazardous and unsettling, the universe is clearly telling you something. Fire is danger, warmth and light all at once. How does that relate to your life? Hugs, Kxo

  • julia February 12, 2010 at 8:20 pm

    “At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.”~ Albert Schweitzer …

    I kept thinking of the above quote while reading your words. Thought i’d share.

    Hmmm…just a thought. Maybe these “signs” are trying to tell you to look within…at your own glowing light.

  • Kate Robertson February 12, 2010 at 10:09 pm

    Fantastic post. and I love that quote… Will look forward to seeing where this fire takes you.

  • kat February 12, 2010 at 10:48 pm

    here’s another thought that might spark (punt intended!) your thinking~ usually fire represents our passions…so you can ask yourself “in what area of my life do i need to ignite my passion?”

  • Marianne February 12, 2010 at 11:15 pm

    I’m going to send you a Fire starting yoga practice – for activating our internal fires, stoking the flames of manipura chakra. x

  • Bea February 15, 2010 at 1:29 am

    What an incredible string of fires you’ve had, lovely Megg — and God, am I glad that you’re safe and sound in the midst of it all. You the phoenix, and you are the wild woman with the burning match, ready to light up the world. Can’t wait to see where this takes you.

  • Lise February 15, 2010 at 2:29 am

    Wow, this post gave me chills, and prompted me to comment for the first time. What powerful and consistent signs from the Universe you have had!

    I first came across your blog when someone linked to your jealousy is not a bad thing post, and I bookmarked it as a blog I thought could inspire me and make me think about things differently. And, in light of a recent nasty breakup, help me create my own wings too.

    So I think you have already got that fire within you – even when you’ve been feeling less than powerful lately, your posts have had an impact on me 🙂 Can’t wait to see what pops up on your blog once the fire is burning full blast!

  • doorways traveler February 15, 2010 at 6:46 pm

    oh yeah, those wings are drying now. i’m feeling it.

    love you.

  • Tracy February 18, 2010 at 2:37 pm

    What a beautiful post…you are really being called out by the Universe. It’s hard to read these signs, but when you are looking, as you are, you will see what’s next….if you haven’t already! Can’t wait to see what you figure out…thanks for sharing the journey,

  • rhayne February 23, 2010 at 7:13 pm

    Ok…now I know what’s wrong with beige. I really should read your blog forwards, not backwards.

    Your house caught on fire!??!!?!?!? I hope everything is ok! Ladybugs come to me in the most unexpected ways (we really are so very alike, my friend) and when I most need a sign. It’s uncanny. But these messages you are getting are so strong! Unignorable. I can’t wait to see what manifests out of these little explosions. You have always been one who is awake and aware of the messages that are coming to you.
    Yes, red is most definitely your colour right now!