
being quiet

April 22, 2010

“Which comes first, and which matters most: The waning light that reveals a widening horizon, or our own expanding thoughts? The world around us, or the world inside?” – Noelle Oxenhandler



I’ve been quiet. The skies above and I have been in sync; not making the usual rumble.

It always happens to me when I should be posting the most. After I met the BBC, I should have posted a lot to encourage all of the new visitors, but instead I got very quiet. Last week I had a consultation call with Carolyn Rubenstein and came away with it really excited and full of ideas for my site and my life.  Instead of leaping in, I got quiet.

I don’t know if these quiet times are because I need to process, or whether it is because I am afraid.  Maybe it is a bit of both. Part of me fears success in a big way.  I hear myself giving myself excuses for not leaping, not shining, not reaching and I believe them until I remember that that is what they are: excuses.  And excuses are never a good thing to believe.

I’m off for two weeks starting at lunch time today.  I know I am lucky to have a plane ticket and a plane that is flying when I is supposed to.  I hope to come here and post while I am gone, but if I don’t, take good care of you.  Let’s have tea when I get back.


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  • Kerstin April 22, 2010 at 8:30 am

    Fearing success can be more paralyzing than fearing failure. I know it is a key factor that is holding me back, especially when it comes to saying I want to lose weight and knowing how to do it, but finding one excuse after another to sabotage any efforts. In my case I know that I fear success because “what goes up must come down”, i.e. I have somehow convinced myself that bad things will happen if I am too happy and things are going well. As a result I try and live under the radar as best as I can and I can tell, that is no way to live your life. I haven’t always been this way but age seems to bring it out more than anything else. And I am faced with a choice: continue to make excuses and nurture the illusion that I am safer this way, or wake up and smell the coffee. And life. Have a wonderful vacation, Megg! Hugs, Kxo

  • min April 30, 2010 at 3:10 am

    Hi Megg!
    Have a lovely time away … enjoy every moment and I hope you come back refreshed and revived to move forward. And you know, becoming quiet is a good thing… a time for reflection and change inside. I agree with Kerstin, as we get older we seem to get more cautious … or more discerning…that’s good too 🙂
    Luv Min

  • min April 30, 2010 at 3:13 am

    Oops… sending you my new email address with this post…we’ve changed providers and now the fun begins… letting others know our changed email address!

  • Liz May 2, 2010 at 6:52 pm

    oh yes. i know this one too. it’s a funny thing isn’t it, I hate falling on my face but I don;t fear that the way I fear being “noticed”, and the excuses, don’t you just get so tired of them, I know I do… sounds like it’s time to drop the excuses and move on to a different way of doing things… I’m-a trying too! Have a beautiful holiday Megg!