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bbc, emerge, emotions, fear, Sacred Feminine, writing

Where Your Heart Is

June 26, 2011

“Where your heart is, there is your power. Without this energy nothing in your life can manifest or flourish, from your romantic relationships to your artistic creativity.” – Caroline Myss (from Sacred Contracts)


emerging poppy webShe said to me: “I love your shoes. Very Sacred Feminine.” When I had caught my breath she had already moved on to another conversation.  Sometimes moments like that really throw me. I spend a lot of my time going through the world knowing that people have no idea who I am.  To be seen like that is a gift I do not take lightly.

I stopped blogging because I was scared of where I was going. I was scared of the path through the trees and the images that were coming to me. I was scared that you wouldn’t like it if I went on and on about stories and archetypes and metaphors. I was scared that I would come across as a new-age nut and no-one would read a word I wrote ever again. I had been joined by the old pain-in-the-ass: “Who Do You Think You Are?”

What I discovered, however, is that once you crack open the door to your heart, there is no closing it again.  I’ve been bombarded with signs and dreams and connections and messages and messengers and love.  In the face of all of that, who am I not to listen?  So I’m back and I am listening and I am writing and I know that this kind of writing is where my heart is.

“Where your heart is, there is your power.” Carolinewriting Myss is a genius.


bbc, food, inspiring women, nourishment


January 19, 2010

“Whenever you are sincerely pleased you are nourished” – Ralph Waldo Emerson



polaroid by Susannah Conway

We must have said it a dozen times over the weekend. The word ‘nourished’ tripped off of our tongues accompanied by gratitude and love. It amazes me how little we focus on nourishing ourselves – on checking in, creating meals with love, buying the best ingredients we can afford, sitting down together with thanks and awareness for our blessings – and either ignore our needs, or focus on the needs of others.

I came from a family that used to say Grace before dinner. In today’s increasingly secular western world it is a rare thing to still find someone saying a prayer over their meal. As I was sitting at our table on Saturday I felt the urge to say a word of thanks. I was overwhelmed by the effort that had gone into the meal. I wanted to say thank you to Leonie for cooking it, to the farmers for growing it, to the spirit of the plants and the animals that gave their life for it and for my friends who were sharing it with me. When you stop to think about how food gets to you, it is really quite incredible. We are so blessed.

I made a decision that day to try and remember to experience food in a more sacred way and to begin to be more consciously grateful for it. It’s quite hard at times. My piece of toast in the morning doesn’t get the same attention as a plate full of food, but it all takes practice. I firmly believe that gratitude is never wasted. I might not say a traditional prayer over my dinner, but if I can keep conscious as I eat it, I hope I can experience grace.



January 18, 2010

A farewell is necessary before we can meet again, and meeting again, after moments or a lifetime is certain for those who are friends. – Richard Bach


6a00d8341c103953ef0120a7e33407970b-pipolaroid by Susannah Conway

Once upon a time I wished to be part of a tribe of women who loved and supported and challenged and nourished me.  I wished for real and honest connection and to be met where I was. I wished for magic.  It was not an easy weekend, but it was a perfect one.  It was full of laughter, irreverence, reiki, tarot, tears, food, sleeplessness, talking, music, planning, silliness, sitting by the fire, photography (LOTS of photography!) chocolate, coffee, and a sugar hangover.  I have felt a little raw and open and sleepy since leaving our cocoon, but I take that as a good sign.

Dear Sas, Susannah, Lisa, Penny, Emma, Jo and Leonie: thank you doesn’t cover it.  I love you.