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Wild Woman

Brave, emotions, Wild Woman

Fear or Passion?

May 24, 2010

“If we don’t offer ourselves to the unknown, our senses dull. Our world becomes small and we lose our sense of wonder. Our eyes don’t lift to the horizon; our ears don’t hear the sounds around us. The edge is off our experience, and we pass our days in a routine that is both comfortable and limiting. We wake up one day and find that we have lost our dreams in order to protect our days.” – Kent Nerburn


monkey treeIt is possible to have an epiphany while watching daytime television. I had one this morning.  Stephen Fry was being interviewed about a program he has made about the music of Wager.  He said that when he hears Wagner, he has a physical reaction, much like the one you get when you are at the dentist and they hit a nerve and your whole body gets a jolt.  My first thought:  I don’t feel that way about anything.  My epiphany: maybe it’s reversable.

I need to say that I am not a cold fish; I do feel things very strongly.  The physical feelings of fear and passion, however, are very similar.  This morning I wondered if there have been times when I have mistaken one for the other.  To allow something external to have the effect of a jolt of energy internally is a very brave act.  To go with that feeling right to the end without running away from it or dismissing it as fear is downright audacious.

I have memories of being too much for people. I’ve been too smart, too fat, too messy, too loud, too old, too lots of things.  We have all had to quiet down, dim down, dumb down, slim down, or tone it down.  To stop being too much we needed to stop giving in to the bigger, brighter, bolder impulses. Passion and excitement began to make us nervous, and perhaps it was there that the feelings got muddled.

Nerves or excitement? Fear or passion? Jolts of energy. Un-swallowed tears. It’s time to remember.  It’s time to let go.  I want a good old big fat lump in my throat and I want me some healthy goosebumps.  Passion, you are officially invited back in to my life.

(Good news: I got a healthy shiver down my spine just typing this! RRrrooooaaaRRrrr.)


I Think Too Much, Wild Woman


March 4, 2010

“There is a lot to be said for pinning things to the earth so they don’t follow us around.  There is a lot to be said for laying them to rest.” – Clarissa Pinkola Estes


DSC02144 copy You are grounded.

Do you hear me?

All of you.

All of the books that are whispering to me that they have the answer to all of my problems, but make me feel like a failure for not reading/ finishing/ doing them: you are grounded.

All of the clothes in my drawers that are sighing about the day that I will fit into them again, making me feel like a failure for not being thin: you are grounded.

All of the food that I am ‘supposed’ to eat because it’ll make me healthy and all of the eating plans I have made and failed at following, all of the diets I have tried and also failed at that made me feel like a pathetic fatty: you are grounded.

All of the emails I have not written back to, all of the phone calls I have forgotten to make/ not felt up to making that have made me feel like a bad friend: you are grounded.

All of the projects I have thought about starting that I haven’t grabbed with both hands, all of the guilt I have from when I have watched Lost instead of grabbing my creative dreams, and all of the feelings of inadequacy I carry from comparing myself to other people/ bloggers/ writers: you are grounded.

All of the crap in my head about not being a good enough wife because I am not currently a sex/ domestic/ intellectual goddess: you are grounded.

We’re done.  Do you hear me? I refuse to play with you anymore.  You are too heavy to carry and frankly, I am bored of you.  In fact, I think that the weight I try so hard to shed might be made up of you.  So you are grounded for the forseeable future.  You are not welcome anymore. I am locking you in the spare room and leaving you there until I decide what to do with you.

I am not sorry.


archetypes, Quotes, Sacred Feminine, Wild Woman

A Magical Day

January 2, 2010

“You do not require permission to be extraordinary.” – Richard Quick



…one night
there’s a heartbeat at the door.
Outside, a woman in the fog,
with hair of twigs and dress of weed,
dripping green lake water.
She says, “I am you,
and I have traveled a long distance.
Come with me, there is something I must show you…”
She turns to go, her cloak falls open,
Suddenly, golden light… everywhere golden light…”
– Clarissa Pinkola Estes

(The universe gave me a new book to write this morning!  I’ve been muddling through trying to write something new for ages, but again I have realized that TRYING isn’t going to get me anywhere.  When I let go, a book appeared.  Hungry, wild, greedy, and noisy, it has settled in.  I’m looking forward to getting to know it.)

Have a wonderful day.