“Where your heart is, there is your power. Without this energy nothing in your life can manifest or flourish, from your romantic relationships to your artistic creativity.” – Caroline Myss (from Sacred Contracts)
She said to me: “I love your shoes. Very Sacred Feminine.” When I had caught my breath she had already moved on to another conversation. Sometimes moments like that really throw me. I spend a lot of my time going through the world knowing that people have no idea who I am. To be seen like that is a gift I do not take lightly.
I stopped blogging because I was scared of where I was going. I was scared of the path through the trees and the images that were coming to me. I was scared that you wouldn’t like it if I went on and on about stories and archetypes and metaphors. I was scared that I would come across as a new-age nut and no-one would read a word I wrote ever again. I had been joined by the old pain-in-the-ass: “Who Do You Think You Are?”
What I discovered, however, is that once you crack open the door to your heart, there is no closing it again. I’ve been bombarded with signs and dreams and connections and messages and messengers and love. In the face of all of that, who am I not to listen? So I’m back and I am listening and I am writing and I know that this kind of writing is where my heart is.
“Where your heart is, there is your power.” Carolinewriting Myss is a genius.