The Enchantment Experiment

“Every new object, clearly seen, opens up a new organ of perception in us.” ~ Goethe

The truth is that you can feel at home, connected, and devoted to your spirit no matter where you are.



It’s funny for me to tell you that, because I also lead retreats. But here’s the secret: you are always surrounded by magic. You are connected to everything. And your whole life can be sacred if you want it to be.

I know this because I have been a seeker all of my life.

I know my star sign (Scorpio), my personality type (INFJ), my body type (Kapha-Pitta), and which character in Harry Potter I am (Luna). I’ve lost and gained weight, moved countries, ran a 1/2 marathon, led courses and retreats, been on stage, tried eleventy-billion diets or change-your-life plans, and own countless books. I’ve vision-boarded until my fingers stuck together. I am a spiritual seeker and I have the crystals and the journals and the essential oils to prove it.

I have spent years and hours and lots of money seeking out the reason for my constant sense that something was missing. I knew that there had to be more to this life than what I was living, but I couldn’t figure out how to find it.

And then something changed everything about how I experience the world:

I shifted from seeking answers to seeking Magic, and very quickly discovered the more that I had been searching for was right there ready for me.

Your life is sacred. 

Magical. Enchanted.

All it takes is a little practice.

I know it may sound crazy or far away or even impossible. It’s not. Join me for a month of enchantment experiments and see for yourself!

Join me as we connect with or reconnect with our homes, our attention, our spirit, and the things we share our spaces with. Spend a month being open to the possibilities of a world full of wonder.

Give me a month. The Rabbit Hole is waiting…



When I sat down to create a spring course, instead of writing about spring, I wrote this: “It’s not just about spring. It’s about LIFE! It’s about seeing life in all things. It’s about seeing our normal landscape with new eyes. It’s about remembering who we already are, or at least who we used to be before we ‘knew better’. It’s about seeing our lives as enchanted living things.”

So I made a course about that.


(If you have taken any of my other Enchanted courses, think of this as Enchanting Spring, but deeper and with a twist.)


What is it?

Starting on the New Moon in May and Ending on the New Moon In June

4 weeks of invitations to play with your world

Devotion * Nature * Freedom * Fulfilment * Connection * Time * Healing * Nourishment

Each weekday (and a weekend day or two), you will receive an invitation to take part in an experiment. These are all designed to help you to change the way you see and interact with your world; to begin to participate in the wondrous flow of being in relationship with everything around you. Does that sound big? It is! The best part is that living with this much magic only takes a tiny shift in perception.

Each email will simply ask you to gently expand your sense of what is possible.


wildflowers and herbs

Some of the themes for our experiments are:

  • You’ve got friends in all of the places.
  • Even our tech is magical.
  • An introduction to animism.
  • Honouring your underwear.
  • You are what you eat: finding the spirit in our food and drink.
  • The spirit of Money
  • Devotion vs. Discipline.
  • Installing a hotline to the Universe.

Because this work is so personal, and because it is all about creating more freedom in your own life and connecting with the world around you, there will not be a FB group for this course. I encourage participants to email me with questions and comments and as well as responding to those. I’ll be doing a ‘Response Round-up’ in a video once a week. This way we can still learn from each other without worrying about comparisons or ‘doing it right.’


People who work with me often thank me for helping them find the magic in their own lives. Let me help you find it in yours.


“Wherever you stand, be the soul of that place” ~ Rumi



What if I told you that you already know the way, but that you have just forgotten it? What if I told you that the Magic you are looking for is already all around you and that all you had to do to find it was to reach out and begin participating in it?

I’m in!


Canadian? I have a different option for payment for you.
Just pop me an email.

Did you do the original Enchantment Experiment course?

This course is very like the original, but I have added even more magic to it. I have written and recorded a new story, and included a new guided meditation. I have added new sections on money, energy, and on mythology and our stories. There is also the addition of the weekly videos.

I hope you will join me. Please go to the original EE FB group for a link for a special price.



Why Now?

Whenever I work with women I hear many of the same stories. So many of us are feeling a strong urge to reconnect in many areas of our lives. We want to find our tribe and connect with other women. We want to reconnect to our bodies and our own nourishment and healing. We want to reconnect with the world around us and to that wise woman that we know is inside of us.

One of the weirdest reasons I am doing this is because some of my most liked posts on Instagram are the ones of bugs! People are fascinated by how wondrous and unusual they are. So many of us are explorers and seekers and wonder-ers at heart. We long to know more, to feel more, to be more in tune with who we are and where we fit. You have wonders that surround you too – all you have to do is see them.

This course will help you begin to do all of that. It’s about wondering and looking and then connecting to the soul of places and things and people.


I don’t want you to spend another moment longing for connection. It’s time for you to remember who you are.

We’re all in this together.


“…thank you so much Meghan, it was a little bit of magic in my inbox every morning and encouraged me to find more magic in my everyday. I thought the tone and content was just right, accessible for everyone without being too heavy on the mystical stuff – although I love that so more would have been fine with me! I hope you’ll do more courses like this in future, I’ll definitely be signing up.”

Why Me?

I have always been a seeker, but a few years ago I was tempted to remove that word from my bio because I had begun actually finding things. I had spent so much time actively seeking connection and magic and wonder that I suddenly found myself living in the middle of it. And this was before we moved to Costa Rica! All it takes is a shift in the way you look at the world, and a bit of practice, and you too can find the magic in your own life. I’ve done it, I continue to do it every day, and I know you can do it too.

Let’s practice enchantment together.


Yes, please!
