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Wild Woman

archetypes, Quotes, Sacred Feminine, Wild Woman

A Magical Day

January 2, 2010

“You do not require permission to be extraordinary.” – Richard Quick



…one night
there’s a heartbeat at the door.
Outside, a woman in the fog,
with hair of twigs and dress of weed,
dripping green lake water.
She says, “I am you,
and I have traveled a long distance.
Come with me, there is something I must show you…”
She turns to go, her cloak falls open,
Suddenly, golden light… everywhere golden light…”
– Clarissa Pinkola Estes

(The universe gave me a new book to write this morning!  I’ve been muddling through trying to write something new for ages, but again I have realized that TRYING isn’t going to get me anywhere.  When I let go, a book appeared.  Hungry, wild, greedy, and noisy, it has settled in.  I’m looking forward to getting to know it.)

Have a wonderful day.

gratitude, Wild Woman


November 1, 2009

“the long work of turning their lives into a celebration is not easy.” – Mary Oliver


necklacesI’m full today. I’m full of potential and possibility. I am full of gratitude for unexpected time given and serious November weather. I am full of fire and energy to get on with my business of creation. I am full of doubts and fears about my place in that business. I am full of inspiration, but am greedily gulping more down, sitting with sites and books and oracles open on the table in front of me, unable to pick just one. I am full of the beauty of an orange pumpkin and gale force winds and sunshine streaming in a perfect square on the floor. I am full of despair at the loss of time and the confusion between believing that the world is unfolding as it should and believing that there is power in wishing for something. I am full of love and pride for friends as their lives expand in creative and powerful ways. I am full of envy for people who have been able to create their life as they want it. I want them to teach me their secret. I am full of joy that I am beginning to create my own life as I want it, and intrigued because even my own secret evades me. Maybe theirs evades them too. I am full of delicious food and just one tiny spoonful of Nutella. I am full of a rich, ancient, deep yearning for connection and knowledge: for women around a fire and a drumming that comes from my own heart. I am full of wild spinning and serious sitting. I am full of years of creativity that has been stifled, paintings that haven’t been painted, and dances that haven’t been danced. I am full of joy for the words that I have written and the books that will be birthed by me. I am full of love for my family, and full of hope that I will soon be back in the land of my birth. I am full of so much today that it feels like my skin is the only thing keeping me contained in this space. I am full of the whispers of my wild woman and today I am not afraid.


“Be homesick for wild knowing.” – Clarissa Pinkola Estes

(Grateful necklace from Bella Wish, and Joy necklace from Superhero Designs!)