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wild soul


Starting Down a New Path

October 8, 2012

“In many shamanic societies, if you came to a medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask one of four questions. When did you stop dancing? When did you stop singing? When did you stop being enchanted by stories? When did you stop finding comfort in the sweet territory of silence?” – Gabrielle Roth


Welcome!  I am so happy that you are here.


If you have read my work in the past, you know that it has been about the search for myself and who I was supposed to be in this world.  The story of that search has come over from my old website and is in the archive along the side of the page.


From this post forward, this is a whole new website.

First of all, I am coming out of the closet and nailing my Sacred/ Feminine/ Seeking/ Woowoo/ Whimsical Writer shingle to the front door.  This site and all it encompasses is now bravely claimed by me!  (I used to blog as megg in an attempt to be a bit selective about who actually saw my freak flag flying.)

Second of all, most of this blog is going to be about stories.

Claude Debussy said, “Music is the space between the notes.”  Well I would argue that the spaces, the pauses, and the moments we spend without words are what give our stories their power.

I’d like to start you off with a story right now.  There will be another one on Wednesday, so I hope you will come again soon.

I am looking forward to our adventure together.

with love, Meghan



Who Do I Think I Am? by Meghan Genge (3:38)





Quotes, Sacred Feminine, Stillness, Uncategorized, Wild Woman

Over the Bones

June 19, 2012

“I am a writer. I am a seeker. I can find magic anywhere. I want to tell you stories and tell your stories. I love to celebrate everything in every way. I can see to the heart and the possibilities in anything. I am still afraid of my own bigness. I want to consciously decide how to live each day.  I have a profound belief in the sacredness of all things. I want to shine a light.” – meghan genge


venice door 1 meg web

It’s all there.

I have done the research. I have the books (nearly all of the books!) I have the paint and the glue and the glitter. I have the mala and the camera. I have the computer and the pen. I have the crystals and the sage and the websites. I have the DVDs and the pdfs. I have the words – especially the ones I wrote at the top of this post – and the support.

The bones are ready.

In Women Who Run With the Wolves, Clarissa Pinkola Estes writes:

“La Loba sings over the bones she has gathered. To sing means to use the soul-voice. It means to say on the breath the truth of one’s power and one’s need, to breathe soul over the thing that is ailing or in need of restoration…That is singing over the bones.”

I read those lines for the first time when I was about 23. I didn’t get it then, and I am not totally certain I get it now.  What I do finally understand is that I have been collecting bones ever since.

How I understand the story of La Loba today is that now I need to consciously choose to stop collecting and start singing. I need to “…say on the breath the truth of [my] power and [my] need.”  My daily practice has been collecting and searching, collecting and searching for as long as I can remember. Now it is time to sit still and breathe soul.

Sit still and breathe soul.



Quotes, Uncategorized

Inside All of us is a Wild Thing

January 2, 2012

“These places of possibility within ourselves are dark because they are ancient and hidden; they have survived and grown strong through darkness. Within these deep places, each one of us holds an incredible reserve of creativity and power, of unexamined and unrecorded emotion and feeling. The woman’s place of power within each of us is neither white nor surface; it is dark, it is ancient, and it is deep.” – Audre Lorde


Have you met yours yet?


(P.S. Once again, I don’t know who did this – if you know who I can credit, please let me know!)