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Finding the Magic

Happy 10th Anniversary to… me

January 24, 2016

Ten years from now, make sure you can say that you CHOSE your life, you didn’t SETTLE for it. – Mandy Hale

Ten years ago today I sat down at my computer and wrote my very first blog post. Back in the dark ages of blogging, there was so much connection and blog reading that I managed to get eleven comments on my very first post. Now I am lucky if I get one. All you had to do was go visit someone, make a thoughtful comment, and they would visit you back. That is why I started: connection. I wanted a place to write, but mostly I wanted to reach out from my world in an isolated fishing village and find my people. In the words of 2006 blog-speak, I wanted to resonate with my tribe (chuckle).

Back then writing on our blogs wasn’t about making money or teaching anyone anything or even saying anything profound. In fact, the more open and honest and vulnerable your post, the more people would respond. I hate to sound like an old-timer, but I think things were a bit better then. Back in my day we weren’t yet comparing ourselves to each other’s perceived enlightenment. I didn’t feel like I lacked anything – in fact, every time I entered this world I felt like I gained something – a friend, a connection, a moment of being seen or heard or understood.

Ten years ago I lived in a tiny fishing village on the Atlantic Coast of England (well, technically on the English Channel). Ten years later I live on the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica. In the years in between I have: gotten engaged in Rome, gotten married, written and published a novel, let another novel go, gained and lost weight, gathered with blog friends in Seattle and the Cotswolds, ran a half marathon, worked full time, painted in Italy, circled with women near Glastonbury, fallen desperately in love with my two nieces, been diagnosed with celiac disease, eaten gelato in Italy, tasted nutmeg in Grenada and fallen in love with St. Vincent, danced under many moons, helped grieve my father-in-law, camped and cottaged and often Christmased in Canada, spent countless hours in airports and airplanes, seen psychics and shamans, lived through my 30s, began living with my mother-in-law, and moved to a new country.

And what have I learned? That comparing myself to other people’s sunlit, filtered, styled, prettified online personas is a one-way ticket to crazytown. That if I had followed other people’s rules and truly wanted what other people had, I would have lived a much smaller life. That the people I was searching for and the connections I wanted are – ironically – harder to find now in this noisy online world of selling ourselves as our porduct, but that when you live and write and create from your heart, you can find each other.

I have also learned that when I stay in the moment and let my heart lead, magic happens.

So as I embark on the next ten years of me and my blog, I intend only this: to be connected to my heart and the present moment as often and as long and as much as I can, and to live in that magic – always.

So for you, dear reader, thank you for being here.

And to my little blog ~ Happy Anniversary! And thank you for everything.

I love you.







Returning to the Fire

September 1, 2015

I am a writer, a seeker and a finder of magic.

My writing is about seeking truth through story.

What do I mean by that? I mean that no matter how many times you tell someone the cold hard facts, if they have no emotional connection to what you are saying there will be no impact.

We used to learn by listening to stories told by people who had our best interest at heart. In the modern, western world the media has replaced those trusted parents, friends, grandparents and elders.

The screen has replaced the fire as the centre of our lives.

And what story is modern media telling us? Sometimes the message is good, but largely the undercurrent is one of fear. Grounded, centered, happy people don’t spend money. The stories told by our screens today keep us stuck in the mud of comparison, of not-good-enough and of want.

But just telling the old stories isn’t enough. What relevance is a story from hundreds of years ago to a woman trapped in a cycle of binge eating? How can reading the tales of ancestors long dead give someone the answers they are looking for when they lose their job? The answer is that the truth at the center of those old stories is universal and timeless. All we need is to have them spun differently so that they feel relevant today.

My work in the world is to bring women back to the fire: back to the sacred truthful centre of their lives. My mission is to inspire you to find that sacred flame within yourself.

Robert Fulghum wrote:

I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death.

…and I believe that a good story has the power to change this world.



Alignment, Costa Rica, light

Living in a Land of Butterflies and Pancakes

June 4, 2015

“If the only prayer you say in your whole life is ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.”  ~ Meister Eckhart


pancakes meghan gengeThe day-before-yesterday wasn’t fun. Well, it started out fun, but in the middle it was truly disgusting and smelly and darn right mouldy.

But I’m not going to tell you that story.

Some days here have been easier than others. There have been lots of non-human house invaders, personal challenges, and even a week of gastroenteritis. (For two people and one bathroom without walls, that was a real adventure!)

But I’m not going to tell you that story either.

We have left the known and landed in a world of the unknown. Every day something requires us to pay attention. And you know, it would be so easy to get lost in the hard.

I know someone who is lost in the hard. They believe that life is hard, that it is never going to go their way, and that the universe is out to get them. I know they believe this because they say it all out loud every single time I talk to them. They have said it so much that they actually can’t see all of the blessings that are in their life.

That is their story.

In the past when I have been focusing on the positive, the light, or the hope, I have attracted people who seemed to think that it would help me if they gave me ‘practical’ advice. They have seen my choice to see the positive side as proof that I am being naive or that I haven’t thought things through. They have felt the need to manage my expectations, or tell me the facts, or in some way bring me back to reality.

The reality is that I am now a fully-fledged grown-up. A grown-up who has a choice.

The day-before-yesterday wasn’t fun. But yesterday was.

Let me tell you that story!

Yesterday started with home-made chocolate chip pancakes. Yesterday held a two-hour laugh-filled conversation over the magical waves with a soul-sister. Yesterday had a storm that shook our house, and a hummingbird that hovered just outside of our window, staring at us eye-to-eye for a full minute. Yesterday held howler monkeys and the smell of a damp tropical jungle. Yesterday had butterflies.

I may not tell you the whole story about our life here, but I will tell you the story of our magical adventure. Because I believe that the more I tell any story, the truer it becomes.

So please don’t think I don’t see the mould or the dark or the hard, because believe me, I do. But when it comes down to it, we all have a choice in what story we tell. You can choose to see whatever you want to see. And my practice – every day – is in choosing to find the blessings.

So yes, it is sunny in my world. It’s rainy too. And it’s magical and intense and my ability to wonder is going into overdrive.

In my story, I live in a land of butterflies and pancakes.

And I’m good with that.
