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Unfurl ~ Chapter 2

August 4, 2015

Welcome! Would you like to hear a story?

Starting August 3, and then every weekday until the end of the book, I will be sharing a new chapter of Unfurl. I hope that you will give yourself the gift of curling up and letting yourself be read to.

Sending you and yours so much love,







If you are new here or missed a chapter, simply choose ‘Storytelling’ under the What do I Write About section at the bottom of the sidebar, and the entries will all be there in date order. If you enjoyed this chapter, please come back tomorrow for more! And if you are enjoying this, I would dearly appreciate it if you would share this with anyone else who might enjoy being read to.

If you haven’t yet and would like to buy the book, I would be grateful and honoured. You can do that here in the US, and from most other online booksellers in most countries.

Storytelling, Unfurl

Unfurl ~ Chapter 1

August 3, 2015

Welcome! Would you like to hear a story? 

Starting today, and then every weekday until the end of the book, I will be sharing a new chapter of Unfurl. I hope that you will give yourself the gift of curling up and letting yourself be read to.

Sending you and yours so much love,







If you are new here or missed a chapter, simply choose ‘Storytelling’ under the What do I Write About section at the bottom of the sidebar, and the entries will all be there in date order. If you enjoyed this chapter, please come back tomorrow for more! And if you are enjoying this, I would dearly appreciate it if you would share this with anyone else who might enjoy being read to.

If you haven’t yet and would like to buy the book, I would be grateful and honoured. You can do that here in the US, and from most other online booksellers in most countries.



Storytelling, Unfurl

Do you want to hear a story?

July 28, 2015

Good morning!

August is nearly here, and it seems that there is an awful lot going on in this world. In the spirit of sending you all some love, I have decided to do my own little August gift.

When I was little, one of my favourite things in the world was being read to. I remember my Dad reading us The Hobbit and my Mom reading us Charlotte’s Web. I remember Anne of Green Gables and Dragon on Parade and many many more books. Being read to was safe, it was cozy, and most of all, it was magical. This morning I thought about how much I wanted to give you all something magical, and suddenly it all made perfect sense: how would you like to have me read you a story?

I am so excited to announce that starting Monday, August 3, and then every weekday until the end of the book, I will be sharing a chapter of my novel Unfurl here on my blog. I’m hoping that you will give yourself the gift of curling up whenever you have time, letting yourself be read to, and feeling loved.

Sending you and yours so much love,
