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the labyrinth

I Am Going to Build a Labyrinth

December 17, 2015

If he is to choose the path of magic then he must choose responsibly, he must know enough about the labyrinth to walk a true path through it. – Neil Gaiman

On Friday I had one of those mornings when you wake up out-of-sorts and a little bit miserable and cry when someone asks you to do something simple like put gas in the car.

Luckily I had a massage booked, so after I stopped crying and put gas in the car, I took myself to Dominical for the morning. Knowing that I was being ridiculous and hysterical, I lay on the massage table and repeated lots of different (and much less coherent) versions of:

I now release all that is no longer serving my highest good.

It wasn’t easy. I kept getting distracted and my nose itched and I tried to figure out which mantra was in the song coming through the speakers, and I spent a long time wondering if the masseuse was using lavender oil.

And then, somewhere around my right calf (she started on my left side), my mind suddenly got very calm. I stopped releasing and twitching and holding back and was very quiet for a moment, and then I had one single thought:

I am going to build a labyrinth.

Don’t ask me why because I have no idea. I just know that I am supposed to do it. I’ve been thinking about doing this ever since we decided to move to Costa Rica. Shortly after we made that decision and I started thinking about it, I looked out of my window at work and saw the picture above. It’s supposed to happen. I’ve talked about it a lot, and we have made sure our land has somewhere that would hold a labyrinth. (I think my husband believed I was going to do it before I did.)

Until now it has been something that was going to happen someday, but as I lay naked on the table, releasing turned into clarity.

I am going to build a labyrinth.

I am. It’s a thing. At the same time as I thought it, I knew with complete clarity that when I start to build it, other people will come and help me. When I start to build it, it will change me in ways that will be both expected and unexpected. When I start to build it, magic will happen.

Last night I got word that we are going to own a piece of land any day now.

I am going to build a labyrinth on it.
