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emerge, inspiration, Quotes

180 Degree Turn

November 24, 2013

“The first morning ever to have seen the sun must have run the other way. Until she found that it was only getting earlier that way. When she spun one-hundred eighty degrees and beheld the sweet light rising through the trees, she fell to her knees and began to smile, because she had been in darkness for a long, long while.” – Ben Taylor Nothing I Can Do


I woke up with this song in my head. More precisely, I woke up with the first line of this song in my head. After I finished journalling this morning, I found that the song was being persistent, so I looked it up. Turns out to be perfect for where my head is currently. More on that this week, but in the meantime, have a listen and a very lovely Sunday.


Quotes, Uncategorized, yes

This morning…

April 2, 2012

magnolia close small

Now I become myself.
It’s taken Time, many years and places;
I have been dissolved and shaken,
Worn other people’s faces…
Run madly, as if Time were there,
Now to stand still, to be here,
Feel my own weight and density!
All fuses now, falls into place
From wish to action, word to silence,
My work, my love, my time, my face
Gathered into one intense
Gesture of growing like a plant.
Grows in me to become the song,
Made so and rooted by love.
Now there is time and Time is young.
O, in this single hour I live
All of myself and do not move.

– May Sarton

Quotes, sacred, Stillness, totems

oh Canada…

June 28, 2011

Don Genge Camping web


Stand still. The trees ahead and bushes beside you
Are not lost. Wherever you are is called Here,
And you must treat it as a powerful stranger,
Must ask permission to know it and be known.
The forest breathes. Listen. It answers,
I have made this place around you.
If you leave it, you may come back again, saying Here.
No two trees are the same to Raven.

No two branches are the same to Wren.
If what a tree or a bush does is lost on you,
You are surely lost. Stand still. The forest knows
Where you are. You must let it find you.

-David Wagoner

I’m off tomorrow for a trip home.  Me and the family and the trees need some time together.  I may see you here while I am there but if not, I’ll see you when I get back.

Photo by my Dad.
