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Becoming Visible, Brave, emerge, fear

Afraid of My Light

October 8, 2013

“It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.” – Marianne Williamson


My green-eyed monster reared its ugly head today. Instead of seething in a soup of jealousy, I got very still, closed my eyes, and asked it what it wanted.  It turned out that inside of my head was a small green gremlin, jumping up and down shouting, “See me too! See me too!”

When I sat with it and cuddled it and tried to understand it, it disappeared. In its place was a very small soul. Looking out at me through tangled hair, it was huddled in a dark corner. The message coming from it was very different. The message coming from it was, “It’s not safe to be seen.”

No matter how long I sat there and tried to visualise it uncurling and coming out of hiding, it wouldn’t budge. This is a very deep, very old piece – possibly even older than I am – and like approaching a frightened animal, I know I need to take it slowly. I need to move a little closer to it every day; gain its trust before it will allow me in.

I share this today because the more I get to know myself and the more time I spend with other women, the more I understand that we are desperately afraid of ourselves. We are afraid to want. Afraid to be big. Afraid to be loud. Afraid to take up space. Afraid to be seen.

We are afraid of our light.

But we want those things just as much. We want to be seen. We want to stretch out to our edges. We want to be lit up from the inside so that we can shine that light outwards.

And the world needs that light. So badly.

So I told that little soul that I would be back. Every day. And together we would figure it out  – until we both felt safe being seen. I committed to this because I know that every time one of us heals – even just a little – we shine a little brighter, and that light can help others do the same.

What will it take to shine your light?



inspiring women, light, love

seeing through

March 26, 2010

“Nothing and everything cannot coexist. To believe in one is to deny the other. Fear is really nothing and love is everything. Whenever light enters darkness, the darkness is abolished.” – Dr. Helen Schucman


The strangest thing happened to me yesterday. I have tried to write about it a couple of times, but I can’t explain it without it sounding weird. I was walking through the city and had an overwhelming sensation of greyness. It was like a curtain was pulled back and for a few minutes I could feel what everyone around me was feeling. A woman walked by me biting her lip, and I felt such sadness coming out of her, I almost cried. I’ve had sensations of knowing what other people were feeling before, but never a whole city at a time! I was shaking with sorrow by the time I got to my doctor’s appointment.

Then, in the waiting room I saw Patricia. She walked in like a beam of light. With long blonde and white hair, a cream-coloured cape slung over both shoulders, and the most peaceful face I had ever seen, I couldn’t stop looking at her. She sat down and pulled out a Harry Potter book, smiling to herself as she read. Her energy soothed me from across the room. It was mesmerizing. I was going to be brave and get up to meet her, but before I could get up the courage, the nurse poked her head out of the door and called her name. Patricia. She smiled widely at the nurse, said a hearty hello, and was gone.

I feel like a bit of a stalker writing these words, but the effect that this woman’s energy had on me was startling. I had felt such deep sorrow in the minutes before seeing her, the effect of such positive energy was like a jolt of caffeine to the system. She felt powerful and angelic to me, and I wanted more – not more of her, I’m not that much of a stalker – but more of it for myself. I wanted to know whatever she knew that caused her to fill the room with light. And I want to remember so that I can always find my way when things get grey.

Thank you Patricia, wherever you are. Thank you for showing me the way through.