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inspiration, writing

Writing a Book and My Inspiration List

November 3, 2015

mary oliver the world I live in


“A book writes itself. You are just the hand that puts everything on paper.” – Bangambiki Habyarimana


The first time I wrote a book, I had the story rolling around in my bones for years. And then one day, I came out of a meditation with a whole first line and a character and a voice, and within 5 minutes, I sat down to write. It was a difficult, ten year process from that moment to the moment of publication. A process that mostly involved me wrestling with my own fear and demons. But in the end, I wrote a book!

Three days ago I sat down to begin NaNoWriMo. I had an idea and a character, but it never felt right enough to start – so I didn’t. I thought that the problem was me. Within ten minutes of sitting down to begin writing, my idea and my character went out the window. A voice came through and demanded to tell the story herself. She has been talking ever since – and it’s all I can do to keep up. I don’t know where it is going, but after more than 6,000 words, I don’t think she is going to give me up anytime soon. I feel possessed.

When I wrote the last book, I wrote in the mornings before work. I thought that that is when I write the best, so when I found myself finally sitting down in the late afternoon on the first, I thought I had already messed things up. Turns out this character likes to work as the sun goes down.

So all bets are off.

Why am I telling you this? Because I want you to know that there are no rules to writing. There are no shoulds or have-tos when it comes to creation.  The important thing is that you show up. Show up and see what happens. Sometimes what happens is magic.



In the past few months, lots of inspiration has come my way, and it’s not just any inspiration, but deep, rich, honest calling outs; the rallying call of wild women from all over the internet. So rather than keeping them all to myself, I thought I would add my voice to the call. Because every woman joining the call makes it louder.

And every woman creating from that place makes better art.

Mary Oliver’s new book of poetry. The poem above speaks to my soul. I am all about the Maybe.

How to Talk to Your Muse – Chris Zydel

The Year of the She Wolf – Anna Lovind

What it Takes to Write – Pixie Lighthorse

When You Write – Mary Beth Bonfiglio

The Year of the Witch – Pamela J Grossman

Why We Remember – Briana Saussy

Big Magic – Elizabeth Gilbert

Distaff Lines – another word for matrilineal lines.

Tokens – Your Edge. Our Edge. Dragonfly. by Maya Hackett

Burning Times – National Film Board of Canada (+ the other two films in this series on women’s spirituality.)

Today I Rise – an amazing amazing video. If you watch nothing else, watch this and the next one on the list.

Ms Marianne Williamson raising the call like no one else can.

My Sacred Feminine Pinterest Board has so so much more inspiration from so many more women.

And this may not seem like a rallying call – but I am binge watching Nashville as a way to cleanse my mental palate. Sometimes soft and sweet is just as inspirational.

So what inspires YOU? Please let me know. I’d love to add to this list!




Things I love

September 6, 2010

…love this life because it is ours and in the moment there is nothing better.” – Natalie Goldberg


white feather web

Over the past few weeks I have felt on the edge of something.  Big changes are tantalizingly close. It began with the experience of Circe’s Circle, but it has continued, one glance through the curtain at a time.  As I get closer to accepting all that I am, I also get closer to the experience of all that is possible.

I just wish I wasn’t so freaking afraid of myself!


As I formulate my next post, I’ve been doing a lot of poking around the blogosphere, and I wanted to share some treasures with you.

  • Jamie has opened a new Circe’s Circle.  If you are stuck or building a dream or want to be part of something that will move you forward in many ways, I can’t recommend this enough.  Jamie is an amazing coach, you will meet incredible people, and you will laugh, work and dream a lot!
  • I’ve enjoyed Jolie’s site for awhile, but I have recently seen that she is giving painting tutorials on her blog.  Wonderful stuff!!
  • Shameless family promotion:  My husband and his business partner have just launched their new site! If you are looking for something different to do online, pop over and be one of their first users!
  • Leonie’s Goddess Circle.  As always, she has created a soul-full place for like minded souls to gather.
  • Jo’s amazing new site.  She is a Reiki healer extraordinnaire!
  • This post has come at just the right time for me.  I hope you like it too.
  • Please join me in wishing Philippa well in her new life as a married lady.
  • and last but certainly not least, I have gone back and read this post by Marianne about 10 times.  She never ceases to inspire me.

Have you got anything for me?  I love a good inspiring link!

Have a wonderful day.
