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inspiring women, nourishment, Redfox Retreats

Magic and Miracles

October 7, 2013

“Magic and miracles happen everywhere I go.” – Me

fire meghan genge

After never having much success with affirmations, a few months ago I started an experiment. Instead of reciting affirmations that my lizard brain could disagree with, I started noticing magic and miracles. If for any reason I noticed beauty or love or nature or whimsy or if I was delighted in any way, I would say, “Magic and miracles happen everywhere I go!”

And of course, as I had already seen proof, my brain would have to believe it.

After a few months, I slowly changed my tactic. Every now and then I would slip in a little, “Magic and miracles happen everywhere I go,” when I hadn’t actually seen anything. Then my brain would have to actively look for proof that it was true, because if previous experience was anything to go by, it must be true.

And now?

Magic and miracles happen absolutely everywhere I go!

You want proof?

How about getting to spend 5 days with two of my best friends and an amazing circle of women? Try being witness to bravery and honesty and openness and deep soul sharing. How about releasing and manifesting and cackling and dancing under the stars? How about unlimited – and I do mean unlimited – cake?

And if that wasn’t enough, proof looks like crayons and markers and candles and crystals and journals and love – SO. MUCH. LOVE. – all overseen by a green velvet buddha and a tiny plastic fox.

Proof is in the divine guidance that told us to open the door and hold the space – because that is all we did

and then magic and miracles happened.

Magic and miracles happen everywhere I go.

What would happen if you believed it too?


buddha meghan genge


emotions, grief, love, Musings

Missing You ~

March 27, 2011

“People come and go in your life but they never leave your dreams.  Once they are in your subconscious, they are immortal.” – Patricia Hampl


flower under tree

I’m full of thought today.  Memories have been swamping me, leaving me feeling a little breathless.  I’m not sure what has triggered them all, but I know that these days in March always leave me a little sad.  I lost people dear to me over a span of days in subsequent Marches some years ago, and the anniversary of those losses has never gone away.  Does it ever? Can you ever get through an anniversary without thinking about it? I doubt it.

My dreams have also been filled with old, old friends, some of whom I haven’t seen in at least a decade.  Why are they all stopping here now?  Why are they so fully with me that I want to ring them up to make sure their voices sound the same?  Echoes and memories and 17-year-old versions of us are giving me shivers up and down my back as I let them in.  They are so close I can almost smell them.

Big stuff must be surfacing.

In 2006 I wrote a poem about a friend who we lost one March a lifetime ago.  It has been one of the voices in my head so I need to put it here. I ask you again ~ do anniversaries ever get easier?

For M ~

When you died
we were twenty.
Two souls –
three days apart.
Salt and pepper
light and dark
girl and boy.

It doesn’t get easier –

It gets harder
because some days
I don’t think of you at all
and then when I do
I remember.

Where is the line?
The one that you crossed.
The one between
sadness and darkness?
Why couldn’t you see
the way back?

I miss you.

There is a hole inside of me
where you used to be
It is surrounded by questions
that you can’t answer.

You’ve missed a lot
you know.
I’ve danced alone at two weddings
and you’re an uncle now.
I’m an aunt, too.
Or do you know that already?

come back.
Explain it all to me.

Two souls.
Three days apart.
One will be twenty forever
and one never will be again.




January 18, 2010

A farewell is necessary before we can meet again, and meeting again, after moments or a lifetime is certain for those who are friends. – Richard Bach


6a00d8341c103953ef0120a7e33407970b-pipolaroid by Susannah Conway

Once upon a time I wished to be part of a tribe of women who loved and supported and challenged and nourished me.  I wished for real and honest connection and to be met where I was. I wished for magic.  It was not an easy weekend, but it was a perfect one.  It was full of laughter, irreverence, reiki, tarot, tears, food, sleeplessness, talking, music, planning, silliness, sitting by the fire, photography (LOTS of photography!) chocolate, coffee, and a sugar hangover.  I have felt a little raw and open and sleepy since leaving our cocoon, but I take that as a good sign.

Dear Sas, Susannah, Lisa, Penny, Emma, Jo and Leonie: thank you doesn’t cover it.  I love you.