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Becoming Visible, fear

Have Tissues, Want to Travel

November 5, 2013

“It’s too bad that so much time has been wasted, but it would be unforgivable to wait any longer. You have the ability to contribute so much. We need you, now.” – Seth Godin, The Icarus Deception

Not to be moved meghan genge

It happens every time.

Every. Time.

And I have done enough self-inquiry to know that there is more to this than bad luck.

Every time I start to move forward I get sick or damaged in some way; it’s always just enough to make forward movement much more difficult, if not temporarily impossible.

Yoga has the swiftest reaction. Just 5 days of yoga can bring on any number of disgusting ailments. And yes, I know that it’s because I am shifting stuff – what I need now is to know how to shift stuff without it turning into snot.

I know that a lot of this has to do with protection. But I also know that I am capable of so much. That I am ready to do so much. That I don’t need to protect myself any more.  I need to find a way to tell my deep-inside control panel that it is safe for me to step out and be big.

I need to know deep deep down that it safe for me to move. And I want to do it without the need for kleenex.

Because for me, right now, movement is non-negotiable.





Brave, collecting emotions, grief

Talking About Grief

October 30, 2012

There are not yet words for what we are swimming through. Things are happening we cannot say or even percieve, because no one admits they are happening. This is where the limitations of human conciousness show up: we need words in order to make things real. If we don’t talk about something, it’s as though it’s not happening. And yet it is happening.”  – Christina Baldwin. Storycatcher


No one ever talks about how exhausted the process of bereavement makes you.  They talk about how sad they are and the stages of grief and all of that technical stuff.  They talk about baggage and processing and funerals and details.  You always know how someone died and when they died and when and where they will be ‘put to rest.’  But at a time of loss, it is not the dead that need that rest.

We have had a profound loss in our family.  That is why I am not here with the story I had hoped to give.  I haven’t had a chance to record it, but more than that, I have simply been too tired.  I have fallen asleep in three different chairs today and in the middle of three different conversations.  It’s as if the body simply can only take so much emotion and can only go so deep for so long before it decides it has had enough and shuts down.

We have talked for several days now, in that strange gap in your life that death opens.  We have used words to remember, to understand, to question, to wonder and to share memories.  It’s as if we must get it all out there; get it all said in order to cement it into our minds and our experience.  I have heard some stories three or four times already.  These tales have already begun to take on the status of family legend.  The mythology is being created around me as I sit as witness.  It is sacred and strange all at once.

But the fatigue remains,  and although proper sleep alludes us, we have begun to sit together more quietly and to turn to distractions to fill the silence of our tired selves.  Our minds turn from telling the stories to storing them.  New files are created from this unusually massive download in our cells, and we struggle to string a full sentence together.

It is a ritual and a ceremony that is so personal and yet so universal.  Birth and death are the things we all truly have in common.

But it is the stories we tell about those things and the time in between them that creates our experience.

Sending love to you and your loved ones tonight.  Hold them tight.  Tell your stories now while everyone is there to hear them.




Brave, emotions, fear, Sacred Feminine, Wild Woman

Is That REALLY Fear?

January 1, 2012

“Love bravely, live bravely, be courageous, there’s really nothing to lose.”

– Jewel

bridge st vincent megg

The powerful shifts of 2012 began this morning before I had even gotten out of my pyjamas.

My cells feel scrambled and the world looks different than it did 20 minutes ago.

I started the day listening to the last Circe’s Tribe call recording. In the opening meditation, Jamie had us visualise something that included a colour and an emotion associated with it.  The colour that I saw was pink, and when she said emotion, I thought that I felt panic.  I have been feeling that feeling off an on for a few months now and I have been swallowing that feeling down, giving myself heartache in the process.

I almost stopped listening, but then a question came into my head: “Is that actually panic that I am feeling? Is it really fear or could it be another energy? Could it be power? Excitement? Passion? The colour was pink after all?!”

The question stopped me cold.  In that moment I realised that I have the same reaction to all of the great big strong emotions. Afraid of their bigness, I call them all the same thing: fear. Being afraid of them meant that I stopped knowing what they really were.

That realisation brought on the most incredible feeling of expansion.

Then anxiousness.

Then excitement.

Big excitement.

And then I wrote this in my journal:

“Q: What do I focus on next?
I commit to meeting my emotions, naming and allowing them; letting them be as big as they need to be and expanding myself so that I am big enough and brave enough to hold them.”
“Q: What do I do next?

I commit to meeting my emotions, naming and allowing them; letting them be as big as they need to be and expanding myself so that I am big enough and brave enough to hold them.”

There’s that feeling again, but I am going to walk over and meet it face-to-face.
