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Sacred Feminine, spirituality, The Seeker

How woo woo is too woo woo?

June 27, 2010

Human spirituality is to seek an answer to the question: ‘how can you make sense out of a world which does not seem to be intrinsically reasonable?’ – John D. Morgan

daisy and trees

Spirituality and creativity and nature have always been wrapped up in a tight package for me.  My first church was in the trees at a summer camp, my first memories of a proper built church are full of sitting on my Grandpa’s knee drawing.  Praying and playing and being surrounded by love were one and the same.  As I grew up and found out that that was not other people’s experience, I started to hide mine.  I never really showed myself again.

So although I know that woo woo means different things to different people, I see it as showing overt non traditional beliefs.  When I get to some blogs and I see how free they are with sharing their beliefs, I am either exhilarated or nervous and that rattles me.  So how much do I share on mine? I don’t want to scare you away.  Do I tell you that I have been googling shamanic healing or that I own Faerie Cards or that I have had reiki or that when I am home I like going to church with my Mom?  Do I talk about whether or not I pray or what I believe or that my favorite thing in the world is to find the spirituality section of a big bookstore?

At times I find myself censoring what I write because I am not sure that I am ready to share, but often the bloggers that talk about this part of their lives are the ones to whom I am most drawn.  I know that everyone is different, but what are the lines that you won’t cross?  What makes you stay and read more and what makes you click away immediately?  Is there room for questions of spirituality in a blog or does it put you off?

How woo woo is too woo woo?