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21 Secrets


21 Secrets

February 17, 2016


“Together we will release the energy stored up on your hard drive, liberate you from the tyranny of unclicked icons, and show you what your soul has been asking for all along.” – Me.

I am so excited to announce that I am one of the teachers for 21 Secrets this spring! I KNOW!

21 Secrets is an incredible 150+ page downloadable eBook filled with 25+ hours of videos, full coloured photos, templates, and clear instruction that will inspire and deepen the way you approach art journaling.

For me, art journalling has always been a kind of mythical land that other people played in. I just ended up with a big old mess in my journals! That is until 21 Secrets! I was always really inspired by Connie Solera’s art, so when I saw this a few years ago, I bought one (in an attempt to make something vaguely pretty just once) and was so surprised to find so many workshops and videos and ideas, that I could do whenever I felt like – no time pressure, no pressure at all! I ended up making MANY beautiful things.

I highly highly recommend it if you have any sort-of hankering to make art. This year it is full of techniques and tips – which means it’ll be even easier to move into a space of art making – bliss!!

My workshop is called: Dear Me: rehabilitation & play for those who buy but don’t do/ finish/ or even open e-courses.

This workshop is about understanding what your soul is searching for and giving it a voice. Using simple tools such as guided writing, cut and paste, and journalling, together we will release all of the soul energy that is stored away on your hard drive. So many people have bought and paid for e-courses, pdfs and ebooks and either started but never completed them or never even opened them up in the first place. Now they are just a collection of to-dos or – worse – a whole folder of self-doubt and shame. Well no more! Those unopened, unfinished things are simply messages from your own soul. It wants something. It is asking for something. It needs something. Together we will release the energy stored up on your hard drive, liberate you from the tyranny of unclicked icons, and show you what your soul has been asking for all along.

(AND until the 19th, if you enter coupon code: springsecret when checking out and you will save $10!)

I hope to see you there!
