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Word of the Year


January 1, 2010

You are a creator, and the subject of your creation is your joyful life experience. That is your mission. That is your quest. That is why you are here.” – Abraham Hicks



I have had enough.

I have decided to make 2010’s theme Relief for a very good reason: I have had enough.

I am tired of being disappointed in myself.  Do you near me? I AM TIRED OF BEING DISAPPOINTED IN MYSELF.

I am tired of trying. I am tired of letting myself down in my attempts to be different from who I am.  What a ridiculous thing that is: to try to be different from who we are.  What is so wrong with who I am?

Every book, every guru, every everything has been telling me the same thing, but I haven’t been listening: it is all about feeling good. But I’ve been waiting to feel good until I have lost weight, gotten published, made money, become the person I think I should be, blah blah blah blah blah.

What a bloody waste of time.

I’ve been struggling with what I truly want and I now realize I have known it all along: I want to live happily ever after.

I’d better get started.


Word of the Year

Theme for 2010: Relief!

December 31, 2009

“You have to begin telling your story in a new way. You have to tell it as you want it to be.” – Abraham Hicks



What is your theme for 2010 going to be? Ever since I started blogging I have been choosing a theme for my new year rather than making resolutions. Every year so far I have chosen big, brave words to try to live up to. It has been exhausting. So this year I was feeling very uncomfortable about the whole thing. I tried on words like ‘Abundance’ and ‘Brave’ and ‘Wild’ only to have my throat close up and my shoulders get all tense. I was getting nowhere.

Then I read this post by my friend Jessie and I had one of those moments when you hear the click – yes! – my shoulders released, my jaw relaxed, and I felt like I had been freed. I had found it – my word for 2010 – and I thank Jessie for the inspiration. My theme this year is going to be Relief!

It may not sound grand to you, but it fits just right for me. Relief will mean having more money than bills. Relief will mean having money for flights home and Squam and spending Christmas with my family. Relief will mean finally feeling comfortable in my skin. Relief will mean finding an agent and a publisher for my book. Relief will mean that I finally finish what I have started before leaping big and brave and bold into new ventures. Relief will mean time with friends and a happy, comfortable, warm, nurturing home. Relief will mean that 2010 is a wonderful, wonderful year!

[I learned my first lesson quickly. My scanner won’t work so I was trying to get a great photograph of my New Year’s Eve/ Blue Moon/ Partial Eclipse Dream Board and I ended up spending way too much time on that and not enough with my sweet husband on New Year’s Eve – so the picture is rubbish, but the board is good and I am off to do what is important and snuggle in to welcome the New Year!]

A happiest of new years to you and yours.

You are loved.
