Start Now…
You are invited to join me on a wonderful adventure.
Have you ever read a book and wished that you could be a part of it?
Have you ever wished to find the rabbit hole, or knocked on the back of a wardrobe, hoping to find a portal to another world?
Have you ever made wishes on falling stars, or talked to the trees, or wandered along a path, wishing it lead somewhere marvellous?
Have you ever read a sentence in a book and wondered if it was about you?
Have you ever found more meaning in metaphor and myth than you do from practical ‘reality’?
Do you ever long for your life to be even more magical?
Then I invite you to join me for Seven Stories.

Let Me Tell You a Story…
Let me tell you about the woman who woke up and discovered that the left side of her left eye had changed to sea-glass green.
Let me tell you the story of the girl who stood nose-to-nose with a dragon.
Let me tell you the story of the house on the other side of the window.
Let me tell you the story of the shop that wasn’t there this morning.
Let me tell you the story of a woman who met a storyteller and decided to become a part of the story herself.
Let me tell you a story…

The story behind the stories…
When I was thinking about what my next offering would be, I wrote down what I wanted it to feel like.
I wanted it to feel gentle and easy. I wanted it to make you feel safe and loved and like there was nothing that you had to fix and nowhere that you had to be. I wanted you – and me – to feel immersed in wonder and enchantment and delight. I wanted it to feel inspiring in a way that went deeper and wilder and richer than the usual e-course, but with less getting behind or worrying about doing it right. I wanted truth and questions and beauty. I wanted magic.
When I sat down to begin writing what I thought was going to be a normal course, I was surprised to discover a story waiting to be written. And it wasn’t alone.
The more I sat down and wrote, the more came. I kept hearing the words, “Seven Stories” in my head. And sure enough, by the end of it, I had seven stories to tell you.
Seven Stories to enrich your days with a bit less to-do and a lot more wonder.
Seven Stories to help you remember that you live in a world created by imagination.
Seven Stories to remind you of how powerful you are.

But there’s more…
Shortly after Unfurl was published, I got an email from a woman thanking me for the story and telling me that if I could just tell her where the door was, she was ready for her own adventure to begin. Surely the writer of the story would know where the portal was located?
That has stuck with me ever since, and so as I began to write stories again, I kept my eyes peeled for the magical doorways. Where were the portals and the rabbit holes and the liminal in-betweens? How could we all become a part of the story?
Seven Stories was created so that you get to become a part of the story.
For some of us – the mystics and the seekers – the world just makes more sense when we see it through the lens of a story. In metaphor we find truth. In symbolism we find a portal to a deeper understanding. In myth, we see our journey and our challenges as important pieces of who we are and who we are becoming and we understand that we still have places to go. In stories, we find ourselves.

What is it?
Once a week for seven weeks you will receive a package in your email. It will have:
- A video of me introducing a new story and then reading it to you.
- A downloadable MP3 of me reading the story.
- Journal prompts and other thoughts about the ideas in the story
- A guided meditation inspired by the story. You will get to be the star of the story!
Then later on in the week I will send out two more emails to help you stay on track and also to invite you to go a little bit deeper. These emails will have more journal questions and writing prompts to take you even deeper and – if you would like – to get you writing!
This course is about going deeper into your own inner landscape and seeing your world with new eyes. It’s about remembering why stories mean so much to our hearts and souls.
It’s about remembering that – in our hearts – we are made up of stories.
Remember how you felt when you had a new book to read? Remember going along on the adventure with the characters? Let’s fill our lives with that feeling of pure possibility.
Yes, please!
Why Now?

There is so much noise out there in the world right now. There are a million ways that things are wrong and a million ways to ‘change your life.’
The magic of story is that it can bring us back to who we are. Story reminds us of our power, our connection, our possibilities. In story we remember that we are brave and that we are strong and that we are capable. In story we can find the parts of ourselves that can step up and create magic in our ‘real lives.’
Remember curling up with a good book? Remember listening to someone telling you a story? Let’s get back to that pure you; that essence of who you are at your most imaginative, most creative, most connected self.
Stories remind us that we are the heroine in our own life, and that maybe those dragons aren’t so bad after all.
We need to remember that now more than ever.
“We live in story like a fish lives in water. We swim through words and images siphoning story through our minds the way a fish siphons water through its gills. We cannot think without language, we cannot process experience without story.” ~ Christina Baldwin
Who Am I?

I am a writer, a seeker, and a finder of Magic.
I encourage wonder, and rebellion, and moments-with-the-Mystery.
Part mystic, part realist, part girl-who-believes, I am a creative mindset guide for people who are looking to align with who they truly are.
I love nothing more than a good story, and I can’t wait to share these one with you. Let me guide you down the rabbit hole.