Quotes, Sacred Feminine, Stillness, Uncategorized, Wild Woman

Over the Bones

June 19, 2012

“I am a writer. I am a seeker. I can find magic anywhere. I want to tell you stories and tell your stories. I love to celebrate everything in every way. I can see to the heart and the possibilities in anything. I am still afraid of my own bigness. I want to consciously decide how to live each day.  I have a profound belief in the sacredness of all things. I want to shine a light.” – meghan genge


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It’s all there.

I have done the research. I have the books (nearly all of the books!) I have the paint and the glue and the glitter. I have the mala and the camera. I have the computer and the pen. I have the crystals and the sage and the websites. I have the DVDs and the pdfs. I have the words – especially the ones I wrote at the top of this post – and the support.

The bones are ready.

In Women Who Run With the Wolves, Clarissa Pinkola Estes writes:

“La Loba sings over the bones she has gathered. To sing means to use the soul-voice. It means to say on the breath the truth of one’s power and one’s need, to breathe soul over the thing that is ailing or in need of restoration…That is singing over the bones.”

I read those lines for the first time when I was about 23. I didn’t get it then, and I am not totally certain I get it now.  What I do finally understand is that I have been collecting bones ever since.

How I understand the story of La Loba today is that now I need to consciously choose to stop collecting and start singing. I need to “…say on the breath the truth of [my] power and [my] need.”  My daily practice has been collecting and searching, collecting and searching for as long as I can remember. Now it is time to sit still and breathe soul.

Sit still and breathe soul.



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  • Laus June 19, 2012 at 5:01 pm

    Sometimes we think we need to search but actually we just need to look. I had a realisation last night that what i had and what i felt was what i deserved and that if i took a bit more notice of me at this moment i would find that i didn’t need to search as much as i thought.

    Happy singing! xx

  • Kim June 20, 2012 at 1:59 am

    I, too, have been reading the book for about a year and I am happy to say I am a little more than half way through. It is so rich and deep and it sings to my soul in such a way that I often read a paragraph and have to put the book down because there is just so much to absorb. These last months I have also been wondering about my own blog, what I am doing there, what I want to share. Being in this intense period of inner spiritual growth has not translated easily into blog posts. It has been personal and confusing and frustrating and scary and the way I used to fashion my words for my blog no longer flow in the same way. But I am embracing the growth, loving every bit of SouLodge and the startling illuminations that come along with it. I know this comment sounds fragmented but it truly is what is in my heart after reading your words.

  • Cage Free Family June 25, 2012 at 4:51 am

    I have friend who has been begging me to move this book to the top of my reading list… I think I’ve just been convinced. xoxo

  • keishua July 3, 2012 at 8:48 pm

    I have been picking this book up off and on. it is really deep. i am a collector, too. lately, i have been thinking about how to use what i’ve collected to nourish me.

  • Donna October 10, 2012 at 2:35 pm

    I found your blog today from a link from Carolyn Rubenstein and I am so glad I did. This post resonates with me because I, too, gather ideas and information (perhaps to excess) which precludes me actually doing something with it. I love to absorb all I can learn which isn’t a bad thing but I can see that some of my creative endeavors stay in my mind because of it. My bone pile is pretty tall. I will come back to your words again and look at my movements through the day in a different way. Thanks!

  • Ashley October 15, 2012 at 8:02 pm

    Wow, the idea of stopping the collecting and start singing really hit home with me. What a beautiful website, I love it already!