“What you seek is seeking you.” ~ Rumi

January 28 ~ February 28, 2021
“We have to show up for our own selves. It’s why we are here. It’s the key to everything. It’s the magic we have been searching for.”
This is a call to the part of you that craves your freedom; that knows who you really are.
This is me standing at the edge of the wild forest, calling you to come and see what I have found, because I have found the path that leads back to the place where you feel the most alive.
This is me calling horsefeathers on all of the ways that we are told how to live: what we should do, how we should react, what we should want.
What if what we want is the freedom that comes with being who. we. are?
What if there really is another way? What if we could choose a different door? And what if it was easy?
What if…

“This one is a whole-life changer!”
– 2020 Participant
You are wise. I believe with my whole heart that you actually know who you are and what you are supposed to be doing. I believe that you know your soul better than anyone, and that if you just put your ear up to it and listened, you would hear the Truth.
If you are reading this, they you are probably a Seeker. You have probably done all of the personality tests (INFJ over here!) and at least tried things like crystals and card decks and morning pages. I’m sure you have literally bought the t-shirt.
And I bet you are still searching for something.
I bet that you are already being hard on yourself about your plans for the New Year and wish that you could just be more accountable to yourself and your dreams.
I wonder if you know that you are so much closer to the answer than you think…
And I wonder if you want to join me for five weeks of utter magic, accountability, and really truly finding and showing up for your own magic?
Let’s go on an adventure.

What is it?
- A 5 week e-course
- Remembering what you really are supposed to be doing (hint: you already know).
- Creating a new paradigm for our lives – who are you really? – and then living there.
- Exploring the possibility that what you seek is also seeking YOU. What does that mean and how does that change everything?
- Exploring all of the ways that we can show up for that work.
- Debunking the myths that keep us stuck.
- Playing with animism, connection, wonder, and ritual as ways to support your soul work.
- Videos, Stories, and lots of deep work.
- A facebook group to help keep you accountable.

This Course is for you if:
You want more clarity on what you are supposed to be doing.
You want to see what else might be possible for you.
You read those memes about how you are Magic, or about turning your Magic all of the way on, or about living in a cottage in the woods with your books and your pet dragon*, or about how we are made of stardust, or how somewhere in the world right now, there are orcas**, or about freedom, or about wildness, or about your legacy, and you have a little twinge of yesness.
You want to be a part of a group of women as we all determine how to be accountable to ourselves – not just for the course, but forever.
You are looking for a deeper version of ‘you have to feel good.’
You are ready to begin living in a new paradigm – as a healthier, more connected, more True you.
You just want MORE MAGIC!!!

The first time I rand this course I called it Horsefeathers. I called it that because there are SO MANY stories and systems and experts out there who tell us who we need to be and how we need to be and what life we should want, and when I finally stopped searching and began to express my soul work, I realized that many of those stories and systems and experts were full of… well… horsefeathers! And while for some people those methods work, for me, showing up and expressing my soul was all I really needed to do.
This course is a reminder that if we listen to ourselves, pay attention, and add a little bit of fun, we can actually imagine something even better.
We have to show up for our own selves. It’s why we are here. It’s the key to everything. It’s the magic we have been searching for.
Let’s do it together.
I’m in!
Who Am I?

I am a Writer and a Teacher and a total believer in Magic. I am also someone who has taken a really good look at her life and changed it completely. I know what it is like to yearn for something but not really know what that things is. I know what it is like to wonder what else was possible. I know what it is like to want to shift into a new version of your life. I know what it is like to want to do something else, but feel like you can’t. I know because I have been there. I also know from experience that it isn’t the big move or the drastic change that is going to fix any of that. You have to do it from the inside first. You have to find, listen to, and follow YOUR magic. Only then will the rest of it shift. I can help you do that.
I am also an adorer of life; of humans and all of our complexity, of the world around us and all of its astonishingness (nope, not a word, but it’s the right feeling), and of the Universe and all of its Mystery. I am a wonder-er of the highest degree. I am a storyteller and a Magic-maker, and I promise you this will not be like any other course you have taken. We’re turning things upside down in order to see the right way up – the easiest path – the one you have always known was there.