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Adventures in Cultivation, Accountability and Momentum.
This is not a course. This is a commitment to yourself.

I invite you out to the edge. I have seen what you are.
You are gloriously powerful and deeply capable.
Come to the edge with me. Let’s choose to fly.
This is the 22nd e-course I have created, and I have led or run them over 35 times. I have guest-hosted courses for other people. I have led or co-lead 4 retreats, held a one-day virtual retreat, and written two books. I have mentored women, worked with people in outdoor education settings, and taught in classrooms in three countries. I have now written for almost 1,400 days in a row. I have also moved countries and changed my whole life more than once.
So by now I think I know a thing or two about how to make something happen, and also what sorts of things people do when faced with a challenge.
New-age speak tells us that if we just change our thoughts or our beliefs, the world around us will change. We’ve all heard it: thoughts become things.
Other people tell us that we have to get up at 4 or 5am and hustle like crazy to get what we want.
Still others say that we have to be gentle with ourselves and that self-care needs to be our priority.
What’s true?
Here’s what I have learned:
The longer I live in the jungle the more I see patterns in life; the more I see the importance of the deep interconnection of everything. Everything in an eco-system is connected to – and has something to do with – everything else in ways that we have not even begun to understand. Everything matters.
What if we looked at ourselves more like that?
What if we started to look at ourselves as a whole ecosystem? There’s no sense in working on one thing and ignoring the rest. That’s like fixing only one leg of a wobbly chair. THAT’S why people stop doing the work when things get scary. THAT’s why you have unfinished books and courses and projects. THAT’s why you still feel stuck.
You have to show up for your dreams. You have to know what you want and understand that that means looking at the inside and the outside, the up and the down, the expansion and the contraction. You have to understand that everything that comes up or out or through is a part of a very magical and very deliberate process.
We need to stop believing that we can’t do things. We can. We just have to start thinking about ourselves and the things in a different way.
We need an integrated approach. Pick-and-choose doesn’t work.
You have to show up and do the work while you show up and do the work.
It’s an as-within-so-without situation.
It’s also a Cultivation Situation.
If you want a seed to grow, you can’t only pick one part of the process to focus on. You can’t just leaf through the seed catalogue (my own personal choice pretty much ever time) and get inspired. You can’t just buy the seeds (also historically my choice), or get the soil ready, or plant things and walk away. You have to commit to all of it. You have to participate in all of it.
The good news is that you can do this. You already have done it. You have succeeded in your life. You have many wins in your history. Chances are also very very good that you have figured out exactly what seeds are going in next.
Now you just have to show up and take each next step as consciously as possible.
This is a magical time to be alive. Things have changed. Priorities have shifted. Expectations are different.
And I believe that time itself is changing. Right now we have an incredible opportunity to create powerful change.
You are vast and amazing. You are capable of creating miracles.
You are more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
You are Magical.
You are also capable.
It’s time YOU remembered and embodied that.
Let’s prove it to you.
Do you have one more day to waste being stuck?
Do you have one more year to waste wanting something different?
Do you truly want to move forward/ create a change?
Can you go all in?

You know who you are.
You are gloriously powerful and deeply capable.
Come to the edge with me. Let’s choose to fly.
Cultivation: “the act of growing something or improving its growth.”
Accountability: “the quality or state of being accountable
especially : an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions”
Momentum: “strength or force gained by motion or by a series of events”
Experience: “something personally encountered, undergone, or lived through : the act or process of directly perceiving events or reality”
You choosing something that you want to cultivate and then showing up for it every day for 28 days, no matter what.
You going all-in: focusing on the physical, the emotional, the mental, and the spiritual. (So fixing more than one wobbly chair leg at a time.)
A 4-week Cultivation Situation
- 12 emails, with a combination of video and written content
- Energetic, spiritual, mental and physical practices.
- Week One: Pick the Seed & Get it in the Ground. This will be a speedy process. No more wondering. It’s time to choose something and just get started.
- After week one, the emails will all be about motivating you to show up. It will be less course work and more your work.
- Week Two: As Within
- Week Three: Playing with Time & Space
- Week Four: So Without
- At the end of the course: A selection of calendar pages/ checklist pages to help keep you on track. (pdf)
Time Commitment:
This is a month of focus and intention. You will get the most out of it if you can commit time for yourself every day. We’re building magical momentum, and I know you can do it. It’s also about reducing decision fatigue – so you may find yourself with even more time in the end!
*This is all subject to change, as I will create and curate content based on feedback during the running of the course.

You know it’s time.
You are ready to commit to something and see what happens if you have to do it no matter what (it’s okay to be nervous about this).
You have something that is important to you that you have started a million times, or that you are finally really clear about, and you want to get on with it already.
You can feel the urgency or the opportunity in the air and you want to move forward on something.
You want to step into a more powerful way of showing up.
You are okay with me – and then you – being a bit… assertive. There just really isn’t any more time to waste.
You absolutely do not believe in playing with time and space and metaphor or that the Universe might be trying to tell you something.
You have absolutely no clue what you want to do. I recommend downloading and doing the questions in my ebook to see if that can help you get clearer.
You don’t want to spend time every day working towards your goals/ dreams/ the change you want to make.
You need one-on-one support. This is a self-directed course. I recommend working with a coach or a mentor if you want more specific guidance. (Or I offer 1-1 mentoring here.)
What is the dream or the change that you know you need to create? Are you ready to get on with it?

Due to the nature of the course and how it is delivered, there will be no refunds offered.
Who am I?

Hi, I’m Meghan.
I am Writer who lives in the jungle.
I believe that the greatest power we have is our attention and that it’s vital that we begin to show up for ourselves as soon as possible.
I believe in Magic, in words as spells, and that books and creative expression are sacred and special things.
I believe in you.
I believe that there is no more time to waste: it’s time for you to tell the story that you are are here to tell, and to create the change that you long for.
Find out more here.