Becoming Visible, fear

Have Tissues, Want to Travel

November 5, 2013

“It’s too bad that so much time has been wasted, but it would be unforgivable to wait any longer. You have the ability to contribute so much. We need you, now.” – Seth Godin, The Icarus Deception

Not to be moved meghan genge

It happens every time.

Every. Time.

And I have done enough self-inquiry to know that there is more to this than bad luck.

Every time I start to move forward I get sick or damaged in some way; it’s always just enough to make forward movement much more difficult, if not temporarily impossible.

Yoga has the swiftest reaction. Just 5 days of yoga can bring on any number of disgusting ailments. And yes, I know that it’s because I am shifting stuff – what I need now is to know how to shift stuff without it turning into snot.

I know that a lot of this has to do with protection. But I also know that I am capable of so much. That I am ready to do so much. That I don’t need to protect myself any more.  I need to find a way to tell my deep-inside control panel that it is safe for me to step out and be big.

I need to know deep deep down that it safe for me to move. And I want to do it without the need for kleenex.

Because for me, right now, movement is non-negotiable.





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  • Fiona November 5, 2013 at 5:12 pm

    YES, this is so where I am too. needing to move for my sanity, yet being held back time and again.

  • Sarah November 5, 2013 at 6:07 pm

    Do it with love and kindness my wise one and with little delicate foxy steps xxx

  • jane November 5, 2013 at 8:08 pm

    Oh Meg. that is craptastic. I was talking to a friend last night that has been learning about flower essences and how when we detox it stays in our auric field unless we move it from there too… maybe you just move so much from your body into your auric feild, as a powerful woman is want to do, that you are overwhelmed… maybe you just need some support on that level for a while… big love to you x

  • Don November 5, 2013 at 11:27 pm

    So who put the ‘NOTtobeMOVED’ sign on that little red & black engine? Hmm? Certainly not the engine.

    Little red & black engines are meant to go. Designed to go! Their wheels get rusty if they don’t move. In fact Going is what they do best, Not sit in musty old sheds. There is no risk, no adventure in musty old sheds.

    However, built onto the front of that little red & black engine are those incredible bumperthings in case they go too fast, or don’t know when to stop. Trust the bumperthings and go!

    Actually, I think the bumperthings are designed to connect with the bumperthings of other engines or cars equally designed to go. What amazing opportunities that suggests.

  • Kelly November 6, 2013 at 10:01 am

    Oh Meg, that is such an interesting pattern. Well done for noticing it. I don’t have any wise words but everything above me here sounds true. Maybe it’s all just a reminder to you to wrap up well for the journey. I think knowing what is non-negotiable is a very good start though.

  • Catalina November 8, 2013 at 5:09 pm

    Sometimes I ask the same myself…and as you know, you have all the answers, we all do.
    When I find myself in such a situation, the answer that come from myself is: do not try to control everything, just be and things will flow.
