An Experiment
Start whenever you are ready.
Did you know that paper money was originally a promise?
A year ago – even though I had ‘followed my bliss’, and even though I believed with all of my heart and soul in Magic and was doing the work to heal what I could – I was still in debt. In January of this year, as I sat down to do my taxes, I felt sick again. Not wanting to feel that way anymore, I stopped in the middle of it all and practiced what I preach: I looked money right in the eye and said, ‘Hang on a minute, what’s going on here?’ It was then that I realized that everything else in my life that was thriving was thriving because I had looked at every rule about it and every reaction to it and wondered about them.
What if I did that with money?
What happened? Well less than three months ago, I paid off the last of my debt.

What happened?
The biggest change is that I am no longer afraid of money. The other change is that I am constantly wondering about how I can see money – and everything – even more clearly.
In fact, I now want to free money. I want to free money from all of the rules and the beliefs and the fears I have around it.
I want to free money so that together we can begin to use all of that energy for positive change instead of deep stuckness.
Along the way I also realized that the world I want to live in is a world where none of the creative, magical, incredible, talented, fierce, kind, empathetic, compassionate, tender, artistic, divine people I know are afraid of money either.
Can you imagine a world where all of the best people you know have more than enough of whatever they need to create the world of their dreams?
So I am on a quest to get as many people as I can to simply wonder about money. Because if you wonder about money, you can begin to change your relationship to it. Once you do that, another reality is possible.
IMPORTANT: I’m not promising that you will pay off your debt, or change your financial situation at all. What I am promising is that if you play along and allow yourself to wonder and to be curious, you will begin to change your money paradigm.
That could be the beginning of a whole new story for you…

14 days of wondering about money. 14 re-frames and re-thinks and re-works and re-imaginings.
What it is:
An experiment. It’s unlike any other course I have created. It’s more of a workshop than a course, because I don’t have the answers, I am simply asking the questions. You will discover the answers for yourself.
I’ve created 14 emails for you: one a day for 14 days. Most include a short video with a question in them (for example: one is about comparing a jar of instant coffee to Elon Musk. You’ll see!) Some have guided meditations, and some are challenges. They are all different, and all of them are meant to make you wonder about money.
It’s a topsy-turvy experience where what was up could actually be down, and what is without might not actually be what is within.
It’s a fairy tale. A challenge. A game. This is about curiosity and imagination and possibilities, and most of all, wonder.
It’s a challenge that could help you separate value and deserving from money. It’s a chance to bring money back into the ‘real’ world and make more of it conscious.
It’s an invitation to step into a new paradigm. This could be a true Once Upon a Time moment and the beginning of a whole new adventure for you.

What it isn’t:
A space of judgement about ANY current financial or economic status, job, or life choice.
A way to or a promise that you will ‘get rich quick.’
A way to “manifest” money.
A practical, or realistic approach to… anything.
Me teaching you anything. Seriously. I don’t have the answers. I have a lot of questions though, and I’ve thought of a few metaphors, and I have come up with a few stories. When you put them all together, they bring a lot of what you might believe under a microscope. Once you are there, there is no ‘right’ answer, but there might be a right answer for you. It’s all about what you do with the questions.
“This class provided a catalyst for a major shift in thinking of “money” and “value.” I have always had problems with doing basic financial/money necessities due to numerous emotional attachments to the concept of “money.” I won’t admit to how many books I have tried to read to figure out how to do the best budget etc. The problem was that they only dealt with the surface reality of “money.” Your class delved into the deeper meaning and emotional hang-ups that are the most important aspects that we actually have to address and deal with… What came up from the mediations and journal prompts was eye-opening to say the least. It really changed my perceptions and (for the first time in a long time), the thought of my “money” doesn’t fill me with instant shame and guilt. I can’t wait to see how much this will affect my life in the long run. Thank you Meghan for this course. Well worth it on many levels!!” ~ Caitlin Keefe

- I am not giving away free money. This course is about freeing money from our stories and our beliefs and our expectations.
- I am not promising you anything.
- This is not like my usual courses. It’s much more video/ question/ wondering based.
- This is very much an imagination and creativity-based course. You’ll get out of it what you put in.
- This is NOT financial advice.
- As this is an electronic course, I do not offer refunds.
- I will be talking about the Universe/ Magic/ the Divine/ Mindset and Metaphor. It’s who I am.
- I do not believe that we create our circumstances, and I get that the financial world is skewed and created by human fear and power games. There are a lot of teachers to learn from if you want to talk about those things. I am going to talk about metaphor and myth and possibilities. If that’s for you, let’s do this!
Free money is about helping you wonder about what you believe. It’s about helping you to see possibilities for more clarity and more freedom.
It’s about you reclaiming more of your power.
“Free Money – what a gift! There are a ton of gems in this course, most specifically Meghan’s magical storytelling and meditation videos. But the thing that struck me the most as I was finishing up the course was how quickly and easily I was able to shift my relationship to money. As with most people, my sense of self worth and the value of my work was over coupled with money and a lack mentality because of it. By the time I finished the first few days of journaling prompts, I had reclaimed my worth and the value of my work in the world without the attachment of money. Now I can fully claim an abundant life AND know that money will flow to me because I no longer feel blocked from receiving money. I am already abundant in love, magic, friendship, and my connection to the natural world and am no longer afraid of money. This perspective has offered me the deepest healing I’ve ever done around my self worth. Thank you, Meghan, for your curiosity and faith in something bigger! I can’t wait to receive everything that coming next for me in this magical life!” ~ Becks Macary
Count me in!
Who Am I?

Part mystic, part realist, part woman-who-believes, I am a writer and a magical creative mindset guide for women who are way beyond the popular ‘hacking’ and ‘crushing it’ mindset, and who know that they are capable of great and meaningful things.
Working with me is all about showing up and aligning yourself with your most purposeful, prosperous, inspired life.
I see your magnificence.
I know what it is like to yearn for something but not really know what that things is. I know what it is like to wonder what else was possible. I know what it is like to want to shift into a new version of your life. I know what it is like to want to do something else, but feel like you can’t. I know because I have been there.
I also know from experience that it isn’t the big move or the drastic change that is going to fix any of that. You have to do it from the inside first. You have to find, listen to, and follow YOUR magic. Only then will the rest of it shift. I can help you do that.
I am also an adorer of life; of humans and all of our complexity, of the world around us and all of its astonishingness (nope, not a word, but it’s the right feeling), and of the Universe and all of its Mystery. I am a wonder-er of the highest degree. I am a storyteller and a Magic-maker, and I promise you this will not be like any other course you have taken.
Let’s make some Magic.