i found magic

Finding Magic

July 27, 2016

This morning I woke up surly and out-of-sorts, so I went outside to find me some magic. In fact, I asked for it. And (of course) it came. A hummingbird with a beak longer than its body flew up and had a good look at me before having a drink. I laughed, said thank you, and in that moment, my feelings shifted to wonder and gratitude.

A little sad that I had been too slow to catch a picture of the hummingbird, I stopped to take a picture of a beautiful flower. It was only after I took the picture that I saw the spirit of the bird right there in front of me.

Magic: a shift into connection and wonder and gratitude.

It seems a very little thing, but I know now that very little things, added together, are what actually make the biggest difference.

And I got a nudge – no – I got a huge push to share it with you. So right now, imagine me winking at you and smiling, beckoning you with my index finger and whispering, “Come and play with me?”

And our treehouse clubhouse can be social media until we find a way to do this in person ~

How can you participate?

  1. When you find something that gives you that moment of connection between you and the Mystery – that gasp of delight that brings you right out of fumbling stumbling disconnection and into the present moment (because truly that is where the magic happens): share it. Use #ifoundmagic and tag me if you like, because I would love to share that magic with you!
  2. If you haven’t already, please sign up for my newsletter. Many newsletters bore me – even my own! So from now on every single one is going to be full of magic. I’m on a mission to find it and to share it with you. It’ll be full of book recommendations, journal and Instagram prompts, quotes, pictures, links, recipes, any and everything that connects me – and hopefully you – to the most divine aspects of ourselves.

That’s it. No charge. No fee. No agenda. Just a widening community of people joining together to find, spread, and share Magic.

Why? Because I believe that a group of people finding, sharing and spreading magic will create miracles.

I really hope that you will join me.

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