October 1 – 31, 2021
Are you longing for a bit of fun?

Do you get a sparkle in your eye when you think about warm sweaters and cozy fires?
Do you delight in the sights and smells of autumn leaves?
Do you wish that every day held just a little more wonder, serendipity and delight?
Do you grin when you see the first black cats, spiders and broomsticks appear in the shops?
Does your spirituality have room in it for a bit of playful fun?
Do you long for just a little bit of magic?
Then Enchanted October is for you!

What is it?
31 emails – one for each day in October
Monday to Thursday each week you will receive an email which will include a mixture of: the history behind and thoughts on an autumn theme, journal and Instagram prompts, book recommendations, recipes, archetypes, links, and invitations to experience more wonder and delight.
Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays you will receive an email with a journal or Instagram prompt and an invitation for an adventure. These might include a guided meditation or a video or a movie night suggestion (with menu and recipes).
Some of the themes include:

- Why the hearth is such an important symbol for women.
- How thank you is the most magical spell of all.
- Why we love black cats and broomsticks.
- An invitation to start a practice that will begin to enchant your every day.
- Traveling by candlelight.
- Maleficent, The Big Bad Wolf, and why we love villains.
- Nine Women… Twelve’s Better. Putting out the intention to create your own circle of kindred spirits.
- And of course, Trick or Treat because we finish on Hallowe’en!
This is NOT a course on magick.
This is a course to help you remember why you love October, and all things just a little bit witchy.
Would you like a bit of an idea of what this course will be like? Have a look at the Enchanted October Pinterest board.
Just like in Enchanted Summer, for this Enchanted October there will be no Facebook group and no pressure to join anything. Unplugging, delighting, finding magic, seeing real humans, and finding joy are the names of the game! We will, however, be able to connect on Instagram.
“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”
~ L.M. Montgomery
Yes, please!
*A note for anyone living in the Southern Hemisphere – or even a very warm place in the Northern Hemisphere (like me).

I know what you are thinking, because I currently live in Costa Rica: a place where it is sunny or rainy and hot every day! There is no autumn colour (although our local coffee shop does serve a pretty amazing pumpkin spiced latte!). But this is partly why I have created this course: to find that autumnal wonder in my summertime world. I hope you will still join us.
This course is about enchantment and magic, and I intend for it to be an inspiration wherever you are in the world.
Enchanted October is for you if:

You want to add just a little bit of magic to your days.
You want to explore all of the wonders that October has to offer.
You are intrigued by moon cycles and broomsticks and different aspects of women’s spirituality, and you’d like to learn just a little bit more.
You’d like to spend the whole month remembering to nourish and delight yourself.
You’ll enjoy knowing more about traditions and practices that we often take for granted.
You want to bring some light to the darkening autumn days.
“Meghan’s Enchanted October course added so much sparkle and delight to my month. The amount of content and things to dive in to and explore was deep and delicious and will be a resource for me going forward. Meg really empowers you to find your own magic in the everyday. She is a wonder full champion of the power of intention and the access we all have to magic in every single moment of our lives.”
~ Sarah, EO participant.
Yes, please!
“A wonderfully enchanting October, thank you so much Meghan, it was a little bit of magic in my inbox every morning and encouraged me to find more magic in my everyday. I thought the tone and content was just right, accessible for everyone without being too heavy on the mystical/witchy stuff – although I love that so more would have been fine with me! I hope you’ll do more courses like this in future, I’ll definitely be signing up.”
~ Participant Enchanted October 2016
*A note on the timing and the idea of going ‘out’ into the world when the world is… well…

I didn’t run this course last year, and I wasn’t going to run it again this year. But then I have had multiple people write to me and ask either if I was going to run it or how they could get their hands on the emails again. To a person they said that they were looking for a way to bring a bit of magic and wonder back into their lives.
So I thought about it and realized that maybe this IS the year to run it again.
This course has some invitations but lots more questions. If you are somewhere where you really can’t go out, then you can decide if this is for you or not (there is still lots of magic you CAN do inside). If you are somewhere where you can get out, then maybe this is just the spark you need to bring back some of the wonder.
I’m offering it this year with love and magic because so many people have asked me to.
Who am I?

I am a writer, a seeker, a finder of magic, and the author of the inspirational novel: Unfurl. At the beginning of 2015 my husband and I took a huge leap of faith and followed our hearts to a new life in southern Costa Rica.
I believe in words as spells, that beauty is transformative, and that we are all tiny pieces of the Divine having a human experience.
I also have an unshakable and deep love of Magic.

Find out more about me here.
And why October? You mean besides the fact that it’s my birthday month and that it is the month of abundance and gratitude? You mean besides the magic and the colour and the excuse to wrap up in blankets as you sit around a fire?
Come and join me and remember why you love October…