Costa Rica, gratitude

Celebrating the scrambled eggs

April 3, 2015

“So, that happened.”Sas Petherick after our first retreat


IMG_0239Yesterday on a Spreecast chat with two gorgeous women, I described my mental state as ‘scrambled eggs.’ I’m up, I’m down. I have moments of total clarity about what we want to do, closely followed by moments of whatthehellarewedoing!? I’m distracted by my need to take in the incredible thriving, fragrant, bustling ecosystem I am currently smack-dab in the middle of, my need to be getting on with The Move, the need to do yoga, make money, do the laundry, and, and, and, oh, and rest.

Yes, rest is the thing I am supposed to be doing right now. That was the plan.

The two beautiful women shook their heads and reminded me of The Huge Thing we have just done. That was really helpful, because in some ways, I had forgotten. I have moved on to the next thing.

In fact, every day, in every way, we are all doing Huge Things. For some it is huge to just get out of bed. For others it is dealing with illness, dealing with overwhelm, dealing with comparison, with guilt, with parenting, with ageing, with loving or hating or moving or changing or staying or lying or telling the truth or just choosing love over and over and over again, no matter how hard it gets.

I firmly believe that there is no sliding scale of bigness on the stuff we do. It’s all huge, and it is all relative. This being human thing is hard work, no matter where you are and what you do. And we hardly ever pause long enough to see that. There are no mini dance parties to celebrate our victory, or champagne corks popped on a seemingly ordinary Thursday afternoon. We save the special bottle for a more special occasion. We don’t celebrate because we are too busy moving on to the next thing.

So after the conversation was over, I got really quiet and looked out at the jungle. And took my first really deep breath.

So that happened.

We did that.

And we’re doing this.

It’s all good, and my eggs feel a lot less scrambled – maybe closer to poached.







Do you want to be part of a warm and open-hearted community of women, gathered around a virtual hearth fire? Would you like to join those women for discussion about spirituality, questions, self-care and magic?

Do you crave open, honest conversation about spirituality?

Then we would love it if you would join Sas Petherick and I for Heart and Hearth.

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  • Laurie April 3, 2015 at 1:49 pm

    Oh, yeah! Breathe!!! ❤️

  • Sas April 3, 2015 at 4:35 pm

    the hugest of things happened. and its now an actual thing.
    and I’ve found resting does not come naturally – I had to learn how to properly rest, without distractions.
    and i have to keep re-learning it 🙂

    you’ve got this.
    We love you xxx

  • Sarah April 4, 2015 at 8:11 am

    I’ve just caught up with your posts having been revelling in your instagram feed – I love and trust you to write beautifully, openly, honestly about this wonderful big adventure of your life now located in Costa Rica – my single favourite thing that makes me laugh and want to visit – even more than the jungle and beaches – the thought of hurtling down a road holding on to my boobs – it’s so real and I love the way you wrote it.