Hello there!
Last night I was doing some journalling for a course, and one of the questions was: who are you?
You had to answer it in one sentence.
In. One. Sentence.
Now I am sure that many of you out there could do that without any problems, but until very recently I was not one of those people.
A few years ago, when we could still be in a confined spaces with other humans, I was in a shared taxi to the airport. As the driver navigated the busy roads of San Jose, the Canadians in the back seat asked the inevitable question: so what do you do?
I remember babbling a bit about leading online courses, but I could never find that magical thing that would tell people who I really was.
Last night it came to me, loud and clear: I am a Writer. (Who lives in the jungle.)
Yes, I do more than that, and I am about to be doing even more than that, but Writer is truly the central core of what I do. It’s my soul work. It’s my truth. (And the space I have chosen to occupy has a huge influence on what I write.)
I write. It’s not what I do, it’s who I am.
It took me a lot of years to get that clear.
But that clarity and that ownership have changed everything. And it feels… magical.
How about you? Who are you? Are you clear?
Can you write it in one sentence? And if not, how can I help you get there?
with love,