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Unfurl, writing, yes

Unfurl is Released!

April 16, 2014

“There isn’t any such thing as an ordinary life.” – L.M. Montgomery, Emily Climbs



I am so excited to share my novel with you. It was released yesterday!

I made the decision about 6 weeks ago to self-publish. Last night I went onto the Createspace website and hit the ‘Publish My Book’ button. (What a great button!) It told me that it would be 5 – 7 days before it went live on Amazon’s sites. This morning I put a sneaky photo on Instagram and discovered 10 minutes later that it was already available to buy!

Unfurl is a novel about magic and food and baggage and connection. It is about looking at yourself and the stories that hold you back. Best described by one reader as Eat, Pray, Love meets The AlchemistUnfurl was initially written as my response to Sue Monk Kidd’s comment about women being the largest untapped resource on the planet. Fed stories of unworthiness and fear, shame and guilt, many women believe that they are powerless. This book is my attempt to give contemporary women a new story to believe in. A modern heroine’s journey with a dose of sacred magic, Unfurl is the story of what happens when you dare to ask for more.

I’ve got all of the chapters recorded, so I will be releasing an audio version in the coming weeks, but in the meantime if you are interested and would like to buy a book, if you are in North America, go here. If you are in the UK go here.  (Please ignore the temporarily out of stock message – it’s only because they are printing them on demand – please, demand!) If you are anywhere else and it’s on your Amazon site, please let me know the link!

Updated: It’s being converted to Kindle as we speak and should be on there by or before the 29th.

If you want to hear the first chapter, you can also go here.

This is the result of many years of writing and dreaming – I have to tell you, it feels amazing.
