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How the Love Multiplied

March 30, 2010

When She Opened Her Arms To Love
So Much Abundant Love Poured In
That She Could Not Hold It All
So She Had To Give A Lot Of It Away
It wasn’t something she could store
for later use or in case she ran out
It was like fresh mango
That had to be eaten now and shared
because it was too good to eat alone
No One Could Explain The Magic They Felt
When they were in her presence
But somehow, they felt more beautiful
more interesting, and actually
more interested in everything around them
They Had To Open Their Hearts To Let It In
and when they did
they too had to share it.
This is how the love multiplies.

Shiloh Sophia McCloud


Good things

March 10, 2010

SCgarden1. Lisa’s good cause

2. Leonie’s new book.

3. Marianne’s 30 days of Yoga.

4. Jamie’s Soul Reflections.

5. Susannah’s Unravelling (I’ve finally taken the plunge!)

6. This book has been cracking me open in so many ways. It’s incredible.

7. My new favorite designer Sibella Court. See her interview at Design Files by clicking on the picture.

8. Two weeks of enforced home-time.  A new doctor finally told me to get off and stay off of my foot for two weeks whether it is broken or not (I fell down the stairs in January and it’s still not better.) So as I write this I am surrounded by a mountain of things that I have been wanting to play with for ages.

9. YOU.  Thank you for being here!  xo