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The Caged Woman – A Story

October 10, 2012

“Find a new way. A better way. Your way. The unknown, uncharted path through this wild new world that allows you – yourself in your uniqueness – to reclaim the full measure of your true nature.”

~ Martha Beck

The Caged Woman by Meghan Genge (5:33)

Would you like to hear another? Here is: The Village.

Image Credit: “The Adventurous Bird” by Fréya Eté. Used with permission. Click on image for link to her etsy site.


Starting Down a New Path

October 8, 2012

“In many shamanic societies, if you came to a medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask one of four questions. When did you stop dancing? When did you stop singing? When did you stop being enchanted by stories? When did you stop finding comfort in the sweet territory of silence?” – Gabrielle Roth


Welcome!  I am so happy that you are here.


If you have read my work in the past, you know that it has been about the search for myself and who I was supposed to be in this world.  The story of that search has come over from my old website and is in the archive along the side of the page.


From this post forward, this is a whole new website.

First of all, I am coming out of the closet and nailing my Sacred/ Feminine/ Seeking/ Woowoo/ Whimsical Writer shingle to the front door.  This site and all it encompasses is now bravely claimed by me!  (I used to blog as megg in an attempt to be a bit selective about who actually saw my freak flag flying.)

Second of all, most of this blog is going to be about stories.

Claude Debussy said, “Music is the space between the notes.”  Well I would argue that the spaces, the pauses, and the moments we spend without words are what give our stories their power.

I’d like to start you off with a story right now.  There will be another one on Wednesday, so I hope you will come again soon.

I am looking forward to our adventure together.

with love, Meghan



Who Do I Think I Am? by Meghan Genge (3:38)





Sacred Feminine, Stories, writing

Becoming Visible

May 23, 2011

“I would be safer if I was not so visible.” – Marianne Williamson


26763657_48558D8u_cA few years ago a blogger I admired put up a post closing down her blog.  I remember that she wrote that “the kitchen was bare.” I can relate to that.  I feel like the things I have felt comfortable writing about are all used up and the cupboards are bare.

For the past week or so I have toyed with closing down for a little while while I sort things out.  I am in the midst of doing some shapeshifting.  Even now as I type I feel raw and quiet about the things that are coming up.  I have touched on them before when I began telling you about the stories that I wanted to write and when I claimed the title of talespinner, but when I got to the edge of that place that felt dangerous and real, I froze up and stopped writing.

There is still a place in me that is scared to go there.

More than anything, I want to be real. More than anything I want to write things here that connect us through space.  The stories that are asking to be told are strange and wonderful, but I hesitate at their edges and worry that they will be too weird, too whimsical or too much – much as I worry sometimes that if I let go I will be those things – so I put down the pen.

But my delight at images like this one and the eclectic collection I am amassing on Pinterest show just how whimsical and strange and sacred my writing could be and I realize that I am only fooling myself.  I am who I am.  Forgive me if it takes a little while for me to get up the courage to show you.


(I don’t know who to give credit for this image. The Pinterest link hits a dead end. If you know, please let me know and I will give credit where credit is due.)