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Book Friends, Musings, Quotes, Sacred Feminine

Meeting The Writing Warrior

October 10, 2011

“Don’t write today from your experience of writing yesterday.”

– Laraine Herring, The Writing Warrior


glastonbury trees web

When I stand in a bookstore and wonder whether or not a book belongs to me, I take a breath, open the book and let it tell me something.  I love this moment of possible connection so much that to me it feels like a prayer.

Mark and I went to Glastonbury last week (if you’ve never been, come visit me and we’ll go together!) In The Speaking Tree, I absently ran my fingers over the spines of all of the gentle, spiritual supportive titles, not feeling a great pull to any of them until: “Me,” The Writing Warrior whispered. “I am who you are looking for.”

I pulled it off off the shelf, feeling a bit uncomfortable. The word warrior felt scary but energetic. Pause. Breathe. Open. Read.

“Don’t write today from your experience of writing yesterday.”

Reading that sent electric sparks through my body.

Everything I do seems to be tethered to the past.  Nostalgia and history are my mode of operation in so many ways.  I don’t write how I want to write because of reactions I have had in the past.  I do things because they have always been done that way before. I haven’t followed the whisperings of my heart because they do not relate to anything I have seen someone else do.

I worry about committing to my path because of the way other people have walked theirs.

Honestly?  I have been afraid of who I could become.  What if you don’t like me anymore? What if what is in my heart clamouring to come out makes me so weird that there is no coming back to normal life?  Writing about the sacred as I feel it is so much easier than letting the sacred out.

And who am I to write it anyway?

I am going to try to put all of that down and show up at the page.

“Don’t write today from your experience of writing yesterday.”

Deep breath. Pause. Write.

Here goes nothing.


beauty, fire, Quotes, Sacred Feminine

Words that Enchant – Grammar

September 30, 2011

“Beautifully crafted words have the power to captivate the mind of anybody.” – Sam Veda


There are poems, quotes, collections of words that haunt me. I read them once and they take up residence in my head, echoing through at the strangest times. I’ll simply be walking along a street and a specific line or phrase will come to me, repeating itself until I have to whisper it aloud or stop a moment and think it clearly.

This is one of those poems. I have shared it before on my old blog, but it wanted to be shared again. I hope that whoever it is who needs to hear it comes for a visit.

When she walks into the room,
everybody turns:

Some kind of light is coming from her head.
Even the geraniums look curious…
We’re all attracted to the perfume
of fermenting joy,

We’ve all tried to start a fire,
and one day maybe it will blaze up on its own.
In the meantime, she is the one today among us
most able to bear the idea of her own beauty,
and when we see it, what we do is natural:
we take our burned hands
out of our pockets,
and clap.

-Tony Hoagland, from ‘Grammar’

Brave, Quotes, Sacred Feminine, writing

Hold Up a Light

September 7, 2011

“If there is one thing that the faithful people of all deep and ancient creeds believe… it is that faith has no timbre and no strength unless… unless one lives it out publicly.// This does not mean jabbering about it incessantly, but neither does it mean denying that one follows a wild and precious soul life – one that helps to keep the lanterns lit high enough to see by, during dark times in one’s own life and in the lives of others.” – Elena Avila, Woman Who Glows in the Dark


lamp post by megg

There are words that hold power over me.  When I read them – especially when they are together – I always stop and take a breath.  It’s like my soul and my spirit remember something from so long ago, my mind has forgotten.  It’s as if the memories aren’t actually mine, but part of a history I have inherited from generations long gone.

One of the first quotes I ever wrote down to taste again and again was a mix-up of an Audre Lorde quote: “For each of us as women, there is a dark place within where hidden and growing our true spirit rises…Within these deep places, each one of us holds an incredible reserve of creativity and power, of unexamined and unrecorded emotion and feeling. The woman’s place of power within each of us is neither white nor surface; it is dark, it is ancient, and it is deep.”

I remember feeling almost wicked just writing it down.  It felt dangerous.  I realise now that what I thought was danger was actually a deep connection between my truth and hers.  Since then I have connected through time and space with many writers.  You know the feeling: you read something that makes you gasp with recognition, and for one tiny moment you feel less alone.  It is those moments of true and sacred that keep me reading and writing and collecting quotes.

Why am I telling you all of this? Because I have been blogging for long enough to know one thing for sure: when you are writing, be brave.  When I am brave and blog what I am really truly thinking or feeling or longing for, I hear back from people who tell me that they connected to what wrote.  When I am afraid and hold back that deep truth out of fear of showing too much, I miss an opportunity to connect.  I miss the sacred.

The one thing that we can all do for each other is to keep our “lanterns lit high enough to see by.”  Lets show each other the way.