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Brave, emerge, fear, light, Quotes, Word of the Year

Word for 2012: Emerge

December 30, 2011

“I feel my boots trying to leave the ground, I feel my heart pumping hard. I want to think again of dangerous and noble things. I want to be light and frolicsome. I want to be improbable beautiful and afraid of nothing, as though I had wings.” – Mary Oliver


“Are you still writing?”

I hadn’t spoken to him in 10 years, but in the 3 minutes we spent on the phone, he asked if I was still writing.

“A little,” I said.

A little?

I still can’t do it. I still feel apologetic when I talk about writing.

Then someone I loved asked me if I actually wanted to be a writer… after all, I don’t act like one.

Do I?  Do I want to be a writer? Do I love writing?  No. I love words. I love words that when strung together have the power to create inspiration and connection.  I love what is possible when you write.

The truth will be evident to anyone who really knows me or who reads this blog occasionally.

The truth is that writing scares me, but it is actually bigger than that:

I scare me.

I can’t just sit down and write for the sake of writing. I could never paint for the sake of painting or cook for the sake of cooking or tidy for the sake of tidying, or exercise for the sake of simply moving my body. In the past, everything with me has had to be a production, the creation of something wonderful or be in some way A BIG DEAL.

So it is no surprise that I just stopped trying. Grown-up life just didn’t have the fireworks that I craved, and feeling that electric every day with no return just creates disappointment. Then, forgetting that I had given up shooting for the moon, I went through hell trying to figure out what was wrong with me and why I wasn’t living up to my own perceived potential.

That’s where 2012 comes in.

Marianne Williamson said: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.”

It is my light that most frightens me, but I have spent years focusing instead on the darkness.

2012 is about focusing on the light.  Period.  But instead of giving myself more pressure to be, do and feel all at once, 2012 is about emerging.

Emerge for me is traveling the distance between the dark and the light, choosing to step closer to one and farther away from the other.  It’s made up of one choice, one step, one feeling at a time and being patient if those movements take a little while.

I am capable of miracles. I am capable of magic.

…and blinking, I step closer to the light.


Image and Sculpture by Paige Bradley

Brave, Quotes, Sacred Feminine, writing

Hold Up a Light

September 7, 2011

“If there is one thing that the faithful people of all deep and ancient creeds believe… it is that faith has no timbre and no strength unless… unless one lives it out publicly.// This does not mean jabbering about it incessantly, but neither does it mean denying that one follows a wild and precious soul life – one that helps to keep the lanterns lit high enough to see by, during dark times in one’s own life and in the lives of others.” – Elena Avila, Woman Who Glows in the Dark


lamp post by megg

There are words that hold power over me.  When I read them – especially when they are together – I always stop and take a breath.  It’s like my soul and my spirit remember something from so long ago, my mind has forgotten.  It’s as if the memories aren’t actually mine, but part of a history I have inherited from generations long gone.

One of the first quotes I ever wrote down to taste again and again was a mix-up of an Audre Lorde quote: “For each of us as women, there is a dark place within where hidden and growing our true spirit rises…Within these deep places, each one of us holds an incredible reserve of creativity and power, of unexamined and unrecorded emotion and feeling. The woman’s place of power within each of us is neither white nor surface; it is dark, it is ancient, and it is deep.”

I remember feeling almost wicked just writing it down.  It felt dangerous.  I realise now that what I thought was danger was actually a deep connection between my truth and hers.  Since then I have connected through time and space with many writers.  You know the feeling: you read something that makes you gasp with recognition, and for one tiny moment you feel less alone.  It is those moments of true and sacred that keep me reading and writing and collecting quotes.

Why am I telling you all of this? Because I have been blogging for long enough to know one thing for sure: when you are writing, be brave.  When I am brave and blog what I am really truly thinking or feeling or longing for, I hear back from people who tell me that they connected to what wrote.  When I am afraid and hold back that deep truth out of fear of showing too much, I miss an opportunity to connect.  I miss the sacred.

The one thing that we can all do for each other is to keep our “lanterns lit high enough to see by.”  Lets show each other the way.

Brave, inspiring women, Sacred Feminine, spirituality, The Seeker

Going Nova

July 12, 2010

“…I allow myself to be uncorked, unabashed, and showered with delicious good in every facet of my life.  I don’t need to fit in anymore, in the world of struggling, suffering, complaining, and belittling. I am going nova and that’s okay.” – Tama J. Kieves on


I did it again. I was going to write another post about woo woo, and in waiting for just the right moment to write it, I didn’t write it at all.  There is another post about it coming, but it’s not ready yet, so I wanted to check in.

Things in my head are quite strange, so I apologize if this is all over the place.  I just finished watching the movie Amelia.  It was gentle and lovely, and even though I knew how it ended, I willed her to make it just the same.  Sometimes I wonder if people were put on this earth just to show the rest of us how it is done.  We remember her for how her story ended, but the important part is that she lived.

A friend did a Reiki healing on me earlier this year.  When she got to my head she remarked that my energy felt like she was being given a deep fresh breath.  I’ve been thinking a lot about that in the months since.  I feel like there is a force, an energy within me that I haven’t quite accessed yet.  Lately I have realized that it is not from lack of trying but perhaps it is because I have been trying too hard.   What is important is not how my story ends, but the way that I have lived.  This isn’t new, or rocket science, but it is surprisingly hard to hold on to.

Just a few minutes ago I read the quote above and thought about the concept of going nova.  Nova: “a star that ejects some of its material in the form of a cloud and becomes more luminous in the process.”

Yes.  All I can say is yes.