“Ask yourself which fear is stronger. What are you more afraid of: changing, or staying how you are now?”

Melissa Owens doesn’t know what is wrong with her. What she does know is that the ache in her chest grows deeper every time she allows herself to want more. The other problem? She doesn’t actually know what ‘more’ is. Feeling confused and ungrateful, she spends her days pretending nothing is wrong — until the ache is finally so strong that she goes to a doctor for help.
One business card, a lunch, and a leap of faith later, Melissa finds the courage to finally listen to her heart.
Unfurl is about magic and food and baggage and connection. It is about looking at yourself and the stories that hold you back. Best described by one reader as Eat, Pray, Love meets The Alchemist, Unfurl was initially written in response to Sue Monk Kidd’s comment about women being the largest untapped resource on the planet. Fed stories of unworthiness and fear, shame and guilt, many women believe that they are powerless. This book is my attempt to give contemporary women a new story to believe in.
A modern heroine’s journey with a dose of sacred magic, Unfurl is the story of what happens when you dare to ask for more.
It was recently described by @the_Booked_Scot as:
“a spiritual, feminist version of Jumanji”
You can buy Unfurl from: Amazon.com here. Amazon.co.uk here. Amazon.ca here. Or from most Amazon pages. (Yes, I know, Amazon. Please let me know if your local independent bookshop would like to stock this wonderful book!)
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Beautiful Feedback…
“Hi Meghan, I had to write and tell you that I spent all day yesterday with my ear buds in and listened to you read your book Unfurl. I absolutely love, love, love your book. It is powerful, mesmerising, beautiful, loving, magic.” ~ A
“Thank you thank you thank you!! In the beginning of your book you say you wrote it for someone … I’m the person you wrote this book for! I know you probably hear that a lot, but REALLY it’s me!!! lol I just devoured it (finished it last night) and I’m now going back to re-read it and savour it … including having a notebook handy to make notes to self. I have stacks and stacks of self-help books waiting to be read or finished and I wonder now if I even need to. This book touched my soul and awakened in me the knowledge of what I’ve been searching for all this time. My life is never going to be the same and I have you to Thank 🙂 So, thank you thank you thank you!!!!” ~ K
“So I finished Unfurl three days ago and I was waiting to email you to tell you about it. While I read your book I really was awestruck by it. At times I would laugh out loud, other times just think hmmmm… and then finally at the end… [spoiler edit!] I was crying big fat tears. They just rolled down my face and I could not stop them. So I think that what I am trying to say is that I loved your book so much!!!!”~ S
“Hi Meghan I have just finished Unfurl…fantastic well done. No matter how enlightened one is or what stage of their path there are always set backs from time to time because we are living in a human world and your book is perfect for those just beginning or those who have been travelling their path for many years as I have. Your book popped up in my Amazon recommendations and two days before I ordered it I dreamt someone had given me a silver compass so that section of the book resonated with me! I read it in 2 sittings and it is fabulous I am looking forward to reading further work of yours in fact I can’t wait. Thank you so much.” ~ W
“I wanted to reach out just to say thanks. Thanks for writing Unfurl. I am about halfway through it and already it is changing my life. Please know that you are appreciated in your important work.” ~J
“A friend bought your book Unfurl. It has changed my life. It was like it was written for me. I have a long story. But I am on a journey and it resembles Melissa’s as in Unfurl… [spoiler edit!] I can’t thank you enough for writing this book. Wish you had more to direct the rest of the journey. And it a journey that i have embarked on and now I’m not afraid but excited.” ~ K
And one of my favourite reviews from Amazon:
“I bought this book (Kindle version) on Friday morning upon hearing about it via a friend on Facebook. I was immediately intrigued because it reminded me, in some ways, of books like the Celestine Prophecy (and series) + The Alchemist. My intention was to only start on the book that morning because I had so much already planned for the day. Several hours later I looked up to realize that everything else had needed to wait, and in fact… I’d gone ahead and finished the book. It was worth it. There were times when, as I was reading, I thought “Well here’s what this means, and here’s where this is headed, I can see it coming a mile away!”… but I actually think that was the point. I think the author wanted to make sure that her points were received. They were for me. So much so, in fact, that I’ve decided to go ahead and launch a couple of offers that I’d been putting off due to fear. Fear of not being good enough, fear of being judged, fear that I wasn’t ready. No more. Not only that, I’m finally feeling ready to heal some issues I have had around not feeling my feelings… about stuffing them down vs feeling them… about stuffing myself with food vs allowing myself what my soul really wants.
All this to say:
If you’ve seen it all and done it all and are still unhappy with your life… skip it. You’re not ready.
If you’re ready to see yourself, if you’re ready for change (and not just platitudes), if you’re ready to be open & accepting…. buy this book + read this book + start taking action = the change you’d like in your life.”