
Finding the Magic, I AM

This is Me.

April 22, 2017


The work that was happening on our home site has now stopped. Part of the challenge of having a builder that builds pre-fab houses is that a lot of the ‘fab’ happens in his workshop. Apparently walls and roof frames are being created somewhere and will be brought over when they are ready. For me this means I am feeling a bit caged. I want to see more happening!

It’s all good though, because now that it is raining, we can shift our attention to planting!

One of the growing things that I love the most is plumeria. I saw it for the first time when I was on the Caribbean island of Grenada and I fell in love. The scent, the delicacy, the whimsy all combined to make it a must have for the new land.

So today we met with a man who grows and propagates plumeria. As soon as we showed that we had a bit of interest, he started talking about all of the different options and scents and colours and sizes.

single plumeriaAs I was standing there, I thought about the grinch’s heart – because mine own grew three sizes while we were talking to this man!  As we were leaving, we apologised for taking up his time.  He just laughed and said, ‘What else it time for? This is me!’

This is me.

How many of us can say that with such conviction? How many of us can smile with our passion showing and say, ‘this is me’? Everything about that inspired me.

We bought so many plumeria, we will be showered with blossoms in a few years, and I love that now, every time I look at them, I will be reminded to embrace and follow and embody my passion 

Because when we allow our light to shine, we become such an inspiration to others, even when we don’t even know we are doing it.



What Else is Going On?

 in cahootsThis is the last week to sign up for In Cahoots.

I sat down this week and made a video about the course and what it’s about. I hope you enjoy it!

Registration closes on Friday, so please sign up now!

MM one to oneI also have a new offering and a new way to work one-on-one with me. The new version of Magical Mornings combines my original course with a Skype call and the opportunity to do it as a three-day virtual retreat. It’s all of my favourite things, all rolled up into one! I also make a video all about it. You can see it here.



Cahoots, Magic


April 12, 2017


in cahoots you do not have to be good


The dictionary definition of cahoots is: colluding or conspiring together secretly.

My own definition of being In Cahoots is: secretly conspiring with the Universe.

Being In Cahoots is about learning how to actively participate in all that is the adventure of your life. And it is an invitation to play with the fact that you are – in fact – a piece of the divine, having a human experience.

So many of us talk about feeling out-of-sorts, ashamed, unbalanced, unhappy, lost, lonely, frustrated, powerless, held back, or even afraid on a regular basis.

So many of us feel like an imposter, like at any moment we are going to be found out for our big fat lie. We are trying so hard to be better, to be a light, to change our lives, and yet we still ache.

We never seem to get… there.

Being In Cahoots is about reclaiming our power and our connection with what matters. It is about realising that the ‘there’ we are looking for is actually a completely fictional destination.

This isn’t to say that all of it is going to be glitter and champagne cocktails at sunset. Shit, as they say, happens. But I firmly believe that the only power we have in any moment is choice. In every moment the power lies in how you are going to react to whatever is happening.

Being In Cahoots is about making better choices. It’s about learning how to stop chasing and start creating. It’s about a sparkle in your eye and a spring in your step. It’s about the magic of knowing that you are totally supported.

It’s about cultivating your powers of wonder and curiosity and love and then living from there. Every day.

It’s about playing with the Universe.

Do you want to play?



Cahoots, I AM

I Am Fierce with Reality

April 1, 2017
crocodiles in the river

“You need only claim the events of your life to make yourself yours. When you truly possess all you have been and done … you are fierce with reality.” ~ Florida Scott-Maxwell

There is a person that I used to follow in Instagram that I have since unfollowed. On paper she seemed like the kind of person I would really have enjoyed knowing. She had done similar things to me in that she had followed her heart and was living a life on her terms.


What she was also doing was bashing any other life; judging people who made more traditional choices than hers.

It felt yucky.

The same way it feels yucky when people get all misty-eyed when they talk to me about how I am ‘living the dream,’ while devaluing their own lives.

Their own beautiful, flawed, imperfect, messy, magical lives.

Yes, I (we) have made choices that brought us to a beautiful place, a hot place (that was a very conscious decision!), and a magical one.

But it is truly no more magical than the place we lived before. It is no more magical than the place my family lives in Canada. It is no more magical than anywhere else.

It is magical because we have decided that it is.

I never wanted this life. I did not ever put Costa Rica on a vision board. Ever. People tell me all of the time that I am ‘living the dream’, but that is not what I am doing at all.

What I am doing is not dreaming. I am actually doing everything I can to say awake.

To quote Florida Scott-Maxwell, I am “fierce with reality.” Ants and all.

I have had losses and blows and hard stuff, and thanks to that stuff I know – to my bones – that this life is rare and precious. So a few years ago I made a decision to stop being numb. I opened – widely – to Magic and Miracles. I asked for them. I welcomed them. I noticed them. I followed them. I believed in them. I participated in them. I learned to follow where they lead. And my life changed.

But first I had to find them in the life I was already leading.

Many of us are searching for something. We have been taught unease. We have been taught to want, to yearn, to feel like something is missing.

Billions can’t be made from a population who are happy and content with their lives.

Your life, right now is magical.  Read that again: Your life right now is magical. Miracles happen every single day. I don’t want you to want my life, or anyone else’s life. I want you to want YOUR life. I want you to open up so widely to your life and loving your life right now that life opens up and loves you right back.

That is my dream: to have a life filled with Magic and Miracles. Not in some distant future. Now. In the middle of my messy, imperfect, beautiful, flawed life.

After I had opened to them and began trusting them, I decided to let the magic and miracles lead the way.

And they lead me here.

No vision board required.

Don’t imagine where they will lead you. Don’t try to control the magic. Just open up, notice them, look for them, believe in them, participate in them, follow them, and be ready for an amazing ride.
