
Finding the Magic

Finding Magic

November 24, 2015

Of course there must be lots of Magic in the world,” he said wisely one day, “but people don’t know what it is like or how to make it. Perhaps the beginning is just to say nice things are going to happen until you make them happen. I am going to try and experiment.  ~ Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden


What does it mean to you?

I never thought that magic would be something that would be the basis for my whole life. Like many people, I always connected magic to the wicked witch, to darkness, and to the unknown. I saw magic as something other, something that good girls like me would never touch.

But then I started to write and people told me that I helped them to see their magic. And then I co-led a retreat and people there told me I had brought magic. And then more than one person called me ‘Magic Meg’, seeing something in me that I had not seen for myself.

And it wasn’t about spells and it wasn’t about potions. It wasn’t remotely about anything dark at all. In fact, it baffled me because it was about doing something that I already do: finding the magic – the divine – in the everyday.

Magic, for me, isn’t about anything other than proof that we are all divinely connected.

And it is only more powerful in the company of other women.

Which is why I decided to begin hosting gatherings of women in places known for their magic.

Finding the Magic is about me providing and holding the space for you to crack open the door that stands between you and your very best self. It’s about giving yourself permission to play with what magic you can see, can find, and can feel. It’s about delight and play and letting go just enough to see that you are magic.

Finding the Magic is about remembering what it is like to feel free.






Finding the Magic

Finding the Magic: Glastonbury

November 6, 2015

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”
~ Roald Dahl


starchild glastonbury meghan gengeIf you know me at all, you will know that I am all about the magic!  And you will know that for me, magic is the moment of connection between me and the Mystery.

Magic is the tingle, the wonder, and the enchantment. Magic is the belief in something more. Magic is the delight, the help, the wink, the words, the Divine, the angels, the unexplainable, the miracle, the holy.

Magic is the moments when we remember who we are.

For the past few months I have been really thinking about what my work in the world should be, and I realised one day that I was trying too hard! The answer has been with me all along. My work is about helping other people find that magic for themselves.

So enter my newest offering – what will be the first of I hope many playful, delightful gatherings all over the world whose only intended outcome is to help YOU find the magic.

I hope you will join me!

Finding the Magic: Glastonbury ~ April 3 – 8, 2016


Just Get One Done

November 5, 2015

And So It Begins Meghan Genge


It’s the job that’s never started as takes longest to finish. – J.R.R. Tolkein

I have had all of the demons and gremlins come to visit me this week. I’ve had ‘who are you?’ and ‘who do you think you are?’ and they brought reinforcements. Lots of them. I’m writing, you see, and when I am really writing, they all come out to play with my head. But one gremlin is suspic
iously absent this time.

I was reading a fabulous bit of advice in a letter from Brenda at Forest North this morning. In it she writes about the hardness of writing, and what that means. It’s a great bit of advice, and it got me thinking about that gremlin who hasn’t shown up: ‘what’s the point, you aren’t really a writer.’

The last time I wrote a book, that gremlin showed up on a regular basis. No matter how many blog posts I wrote, or chapters I finished, his little voice was there in my head. I’ve heard the same crap come out of the mouths of artists, musicians, dancers, poets, all of them: I’m not really a(n)…

But I did it. I finished the book. And I even let myself be proud of it.

This time, I’m not hearing it or even hearing myself say it. And it’s not because I published something, and it’s not because I am somehow more evolved or easier on myself, it’s because the last time I sat down to write a book, I finished it.

I proved to myself that I was a writer by writing something

So now every time I sit down to write, I don’t have to listen to that particular gremlin anymore. Because it isn’t true. I am a writer: I have proof.

And that means that there is a lot more room for actual writing.

So advice from the trenches? Finish something. Complete something. Just get one done. Prove to yourself that you are a: (insert favourite label here). Because if you have made art, you are an artist. If you have written, you are a writer.

Own it. Liberate yourself from that particular gremlin. Make room so that you can get on with making more.

Just get one done.
