It was the day we laughed so hard
we made the peonies bloom
I was seven
it was sparkling
we were running like ponies
a game of tag
happiness all balled up in our hearts
shooting out of us in shrieks and bellows
I’m a butterfly
she declared
and I decided I was too
a curious butterfly
with nothing to do
but chase the wind
they say it whips you in the face
but this isn’t how it works
if you run hard enough
the wind bores right into you
I don’t remember anything else
except the smell of the grass
sweet as strawberry tarts
the wind carried the rest away.
– done with the instant poem button on Bentlily
Thank you for introducing me to Bentily. I enjoyed creating my own insta poem and will be haunting the site often I think!
I love Bentlily’s instant poems very much 🙂