Hello! I’m Meghan.

I am Writer who lives in the jungle.
I help Writers show up to Write.
I help Creators show up to Create.
We are the modern-day alchemists. Our power is not in dusty corners or secret gatherings or strange materials.
Our power – and possibly the greatest power in the universe – is in our imagination; in our authentic expression.
We need to become the passionate poets; the voices in the wilderness; the connections through time. We need to write the books and the words that are asking to be written. We need to write a new world into being.
There is just no more time left to waste being afraid of what we have to say.

I believe in words as spells; in stories that change worlds,
that writing is magic
…and that YOU writing, matters.
My Work is to help get you writing/ creating what’s yours to write/ create.
I am a deeply connected, playfully curious catalyst for finding and creating magic and helping people learn the power of showing up.
My Intention is to inspire and encourage 10,001 people to write that book already.
My Intention is to help creatives re-claim their imaginations and fall in love with the Mystery.
My intention is for you to see the power of showing up and that you write the books and the poems and the words that want to be written; that you make the art and create the world that wants to be created.
My Intention is to continue to develop my own craft and write my own stories and my own books. I see stories everywhere and in everything, and I honour them by writing them down. I see myself as a strange combination of Mystic, Realist, and Word Witch, because words and wonder are where my own creative power is most nourished and potent.
I am a guide and teacher for women who are ready to remember who they are, and how to use their words.
I see your magnificence.
I encourage wonder, and rebellion, and moments-with-the-Mystery. My life is Magical* and I whole-heartedly believe that you can have this Magic too.
My novel is called Unfurl. It’s all about one woman’s magical journey. It’s a book that has made hundreds of women write to me and say, ‘it’s about me!’
I wonder if it is also about you?
In 2015 my husband and I took an enormous leap of faith and moved to the southern zone of Costa Rica. We sold 90% of our stuff, shipped the rest, and we are now consciously building a life from the ground up.
She/Her | Wildly supportive of your right to live freely as who you truly are.
Want to know more? Click here to see how we can work together.
or read more about Magic below.
If you want to read my privacy policy, you can find that here.
“I love Meghan. She’s a magic weaver! She lifts the veil for you to see Magic in your own life. Meghan helps uncover your hidden passions and helps you give them life. She’s helped me break through blocks that were stopping me doing the things that my heart yearned for.”
*Me and Magic: a love story

When I was born my Dad was the Director of a summer camp in Canada. This means that for the first 6 years of my life, the Sacred/ God/ the Mystery/ More/ Source/ the Universe/ the Divine (choose your own adventure) was totally there in me and the trees and the campfires and the stories and the fun and the people and the magic and the connection with everyone I loved.
It took me 30 years to realise that I had been searching for that connection ever since.
Growing up I was always the girl with the plan. I had high – and I mean HIGH – expectations for everything. I wanted sparkles and wonder and the biggest, most delicious piece – not because I was greedy, but because I was selfish and wanted more good stuff. I learned to tame it down, be good, pretend to not want more, and to share the piece with the most icing.
And then several terrible things happened over the course of four years and the sadness and pain and guilt and disappointment and just plain old loss derailed me and all of my plans. Suddenly none of it seemed to matter anymore.
I could no longer see my path, and worse than that, I felt like an alien. Everyone else seemed to know what they were doing and where they were going, and I no longer had any idea. Not only that, but nobody else seemed to see that there must be more to this life thing than we were living. I was desperately lost, so I ran away. I bought a one-way plane ticket to England.
And over the next few (ha! many) years, I remained lost and always searching for something. I waitressed, I cleaned, I scooped ice cream, I drank a ridiculous amount of alcohol, I worked as a pioneer, and at an Outdoor Centre and as the ‘stop and slow’ person for a roads crew. Eventually I got my Bachelor of Education and started teaching, but I hated it and stopped.
In those years I happily also found true love, got married and wrote a book. And so I also felt guilty because I had so much goodness in my life, how could I still be searching for something?

After leaving teaching, I worked my way up in a charity that protects historic places, finally getting a job as the House and Collections Manager for an enormous historic house. We lived on site in a rose covered cottage. I managed a huge group of staff and volunteers and worked hard at both making the experience of visiting the house a magical one and turning the team into a connected and caring and amazing community.
I should have been ridiculously happy – it was a dream job and a dream team and a dream cottage. In fact, If you believe in childhood dreams, I was actually spending my days in a place just like an enchanted castle! I was also making friends and dabbling in magical thinking and believing in miracles…
But I wasn’t content. I felt guilty for not being happy. And if that life didn’t make me happy… would anything??
And then something truly magical happened.

I always knew that my Grandmother had come from somewhere near Bristol, in England. When my parents were coming from Canada to visit me in my new house and my new job, my Dad went to visit his Aunt to see if she had any more information about where his Mom had lived as a girl.
When he asked, she said, “Well, can’t remember very much, but I remember that the closest village was Failand…” And later she remembered “being taught by the Lord’s daughter in a room full of books.”
When I heard this I swore – very loudly – and it took me more than a few minutes to process the impossibility.
Not only had my Grandmother once lived on the estate of the house I was now managing, she had actually been inside the house.
What were the odds of that happening? How does that happen in real life? What did this mean?
I went in to work really early the next morning and sat on the floor of the Library for a long long time. The next week I walked through the estate to the place where she might have lived. As I sat on the stone foundation, I could feel something inside of me letting go: deep in my bones I realized that I would never know what it meant, or how it had happened. But that didn’t make it any less wonderful.
It was evidence of something so much bigger than me. It was simply the Mystery at work. It was evidence of Magic. And all I could do was be grateful for the wonder. That feeling of the Sacred/ God/ the Mystery/ More/ the Universe/ the Divine just being there – all around me in all things, all of the time – came back. I had been searching for something that had been there all the time.

And from that day on I began to consciously open to that Magic. I began following nudges, allowing the miracles, and participating in the wonder.
I stopped searching and started seeing.
I stopped trying to figure out where I was going and I stopped waiting to be thin enough or rich enough or or strong enough or brave enough or cute enough or for things to be good enough or for me to be ready enough and I just went with it.
And a few years later, I was more than ready for the biggest nudge of all when we followed the magic to Costa Rica.
This doesn’t mean that life suddenly became easy. FAR from it. That’s a big fat manifestation-program-selling lie. But the very best adventure stories aren’t easy. The very best adventure stories are full of challenges and dragons and goblins and castles and growth. Believing in Magic and that anything is possible actually moves us past the distraction of needing to manifest ‘stuff’ while staying in the shallow end of the pool. It makes us look at ourselves in a whole new way. It won’t let us bypass any of our stories, but by doing that it opens a whole new, bigger, wider world.
What I know for sure is that every time I open up and see life as Magical, I suddenly find the Magic. When I sit down and allow my imagination to lead me, Magic happens.
Every. Time.
I’d love to help you get there too.
With so much love,