Write a Better World Into Being, with EASE.

May 3 ~ 30, 2021
“You are under no obligation to be the same person you were 5 minutes ago.”
~ Alan Watts
We are made up of stories and stardust.
I believe that. How does that feel for you?
Another thing that I believe is that we have much more power over both of those things than we can possibly imagine.
And I know lots of ways to play with them both…
but first…
Let’s focus on just one story.
A new one.
In A New Story we are going to focus on the story you want to tell from now on.
You will write a story that lifts you and elevates you and inspires you; one that feels like possibility and truth.
You will write a story about how you moved forward from this incredible time; the empowered and empowering and purposeful story of someone who got really clear and made some pretty wonderful choices.
You will write the story of someone who chose to find and use her power and began to live completely on purpose.
You will write a story that will become legendary in your life: Remember when I…

The world and everything you used to know is topsy turvy. Well it’s time for you to right yourself.
The best way I have found to do that is to actually Write Yourself.
Join me. Let’s get really really clear; really really focused, have some FUN, and begin to live a new story.
“Live out of your imagination, not your history.”
~ Stephen R. Covey

What is it?
A 4-week e-course, starting on May 3.
- 3 course emails/ week + extras.
- Videos, writing assignments, daily writing, etc.
- 3 LIVE Co-Writing sessions with Q&A – on Zoom (Saturday or Sunday mornings at 10am CST * depending on schedules. They will be recorded – jungle and technology willing). *subject to change
- Week One: White Board Week. Paying attention. Collecting Data. Daily writing. Making lists. Big Vision questions.
- Week Two: Rough Draft Week. Daily writing.
- Week Three: Re-write Week. Daily writing. Trying it out. Choosing something even better.
- Week Four: Commitment and Magic Week. Full Moon magic. Thinking bigger. Writing a new world into being.
*As you see in that list, there’s daily writing for this course. This doesn’t mean that you have to write every day, but the more you put into it, the better your story will be. One month of commitment to a few minutes of writing every day – or most days – will shift more than just your story.
And no, you don’t need to Be A Writer to do this course. (Don’t worry, that course is coming next!) All you need is a notebook and a pen and a desire to write a new story for yourself.
We have the opportunity – right now – to shift the stardust with the story we tell. Let’s make that story one that we have consciously chosen.

What will I have at the end?
If you show up and do this work, by the end of the course you will have a new story to live out. You will have a set of coordinates to help you move forward. You will be the hero(ine) of your own tale, and have a new practice for writing your world into being.
Let’s get back to the blank page. Let’s dream up some magic.
What do you want to create?
What will your legacy be?
Who are you?
How do you want to emerge from this era?
Let’s write that story so that you can get on and make it true.
“Imagination should be used, not to escape reality, but to create it.”
~ Colin Wilson
Count me in!

A note on the timing (and the moon and the stars):
Long-term friends will know that usually I begin my courses on a special celestial event such as a new or a full moon and they (you) may be surprised to see that this is not the case here. Don’t worry, there are reasons behind the timing. I wanted the big, juicy, supermoon/ lunar eclipse in May to be INSIDE the course, not starting or finishing it. You’ll see. 😉
“Take the risk to quest with the heart and mind you actually have, not with the mind and heart you think you are supposed to have.”
~ Stephen Harrod Buhner
Due to the nature of the course and how it is delivered, there will be no refunds offered.
Who Am I?

Hi, I’m Meghan.
I am Writer who lives in the jungle.
I help Writers show up to Write.
I help Creators show up to Create.
I believe in Magic, in words as spells, and that books and creative expression are sacred and special things.
I believe in you.
I believe that there is no more time to waste: it’s time for you to tell the story that you are are here to tell.
Find out more here.